Can anyone tell me why there are two disks in like every series? (Disk one, and Disc 2 for every RE game) What does each contain?
this is in the wrong forum by the way, if you're talking about resident evil 1. resident evil is not nintendo, it was on the psx (ps1). but, there isnt really a specific reason. the longer games need more memory, and therefore they use more disks. for example, final fantasy 9 has 4 play disks right? because its a lengthy rpg. on the other hand, suikoden or vagrant story have less play data you need to use. its also because they started making bigger storage disks along the way; so the creators could put the entire game just on one disk instead of 2 or 4.
Exactly. PSX discs were smaller in storage size, so they required more discs to store even less data than what could be stored on a single PS2 disc (which was higher capacity by far). Also, Resident Evil 1, 2, and 3 were remade for the Gamecube. They also released Resident Evil 4 on the Gamecube + one or two other side RE games if I'm not mistaken. Thus, this fits exactly where it is section wise to a certain degree. It doesn't quite fit with the whole sharing aspect though. I know the RE1 rerelease on the Gamecube was two discs, as it was redone in such a way that it just all couldn't fit on a single disc. The PS1 FF games were notorious for being so long and containing so much that they needed multiple discs.
it depends what RE you are talking about. If its RE4 for gamecube. its because the story is too long, and big for the disks. if you are talking about RE2, its because one disk is for leon's story, and the other disk is for claire's story. if you are talking about RE5, its because one disk is for the game, and the other is for bonus features
thanks, i am playing Resident Evil 4 (for gamecube) yeah, every resident evil game i have does have two disks.... i do have all the resident evil games for gamecube. apperantly Resident Evil (1) did come out but it was vaguely called a remake. if i remember correctly it has some extra stuff. (thats why its considered a remake)
That and it was a remake. They bolstered the graphics, added a couple bonus things, etc. If they had changed nothing but maybe update the graphics, it would have been a port, but instead they just redid pretty much the entire thing.
The actual reason for more storage capacity is because of the large amount of audio, prerendered cutscenes, and graphics/textures. These things take the most amount of space and is always the culprit on larger file sizes. Actual coding and story writing take up a small amount of space compared to the rest. I assume the earlier ones had two discs because the backgrounds were prerendered along with prerendered cutscenes and voice acting, I'd assume RE4 is two discs on the GC because of the variety of locales you go to and the need for different textures and voice acting clips. Huge filesize =/= game length. If anything MGS4 is an example of this, the game's filesize was huge (I think Kojima at one point pointed out that it was over 30 Gigs of stuff), and the game is about 10 hours long. The culprit of the huge filesize is uncompressed textures and audio (which I think Kojima bragged about it too).
holy crap, 30GB for MGS4 :O dam, those blueray dvd's can hold allot (wonder if you can fit a couple of avi movies into one maybe 12)
gamecube games of resident evil come with two disks each.. i believe the only one with one disk is re3 (not sure) maybe my question has been answered, maybe not...
The first 3 games were apparently too big and thus more than one disc was used, however I only seen number 2 using so many disc, not the first (and I think 3 might be just one...i got the pc version and that is one disc, cd as well not dvd). On gamecube, the remake of the first, zero and 4 were just that big, hwoever the wii ports were one disc seeing as they use a full dvd (same for the ps2 port of 4), now that I remember the ports of 2 and 3 to gamecube were just one for obvious reasons. Resident evil survivor (where my avatar comes from) was a one disc game.
hmmm never played a RE game but its like FFXIII they couldn't fit it all on the one disk so they put it on 2 (actually i don't thinks they did on PS3 because it uses blue-ray)