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Requesting a tutorial for use of PS2PSXe

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by personuser, Aug 15, 2010.

  1. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member

    Hi, all. I was wondering if any of you have sucessfully run ps2psxe (the ps1 emulator for ps2) It seems pretty hard to put the right code in for the command line and I would like to know what code I'd have to write to run a ps1 game from a usb stick with the emu.



    And YES, the emu is real, it came out a while ago,

  2. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Just out of curiosity, why do you need a PS1 emulator for the PS2? The PS2 already has backwards compatibility with the PS1.
  3. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Stop bringing logic into every post.
  4. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    He is just the master of logic...

    He doesn't want to use discs?
    boot yourgamenamehere.iso
  5. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member

    PS1 is separate from PS2, SPCH-90001 0A Killed Memento/FreeMCBoot, Soldering is hard and prone to an easy, costly mistake.

    I have swaps.

    Not until I've got it running the way it should. Me no Wastee Compact Diskee.

    I'll give it a run, but shouldn't mass:\ Be in there somewhere, since I'm booting from USB?
  6. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    Yes, of course.

    boot mass:\your\path\here\yourisonamehere.iso
  7. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member

    Okay, thanks.
  8. dills2

    dills2 Well-Known Member

    tou could just mod it to play backups very easy process just put a tiny piece of paper over the sensor
  9. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    WHAT are we discussing?
    How to run games via U-S-B!

    You actually have eyes in your head?
  10. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member

    Yeah, besides I already HAVE modded my console that way, but Unless you buy a PSX swapdisc (which are near impossible and costly to get in the first place) you can't load them without the discs still spinning and causing damage to your console. Swap Magic Doesn't Load them either.

    This is an EMULATOR for the PS2 also.

    Another good reason: saves. PS1 memcards are pretty small, and with an emu you can make virtually unlimited saves.

    Now, don't get me wrong, the emu is not perfect. Hell, there's not even any sound yet (so games like parappa are useless right now) But seeing a ps2 EMULATE a 3d machine, let alone a previous-gen 3d machine at FULL SPEED (for some games) in an ALPHA RELEASE is pretty damn cool.
  11. dills2

    dills2 Well-Known Member

    actually you can do this start a ps2 game switch it with a backup a few seconds later it wont damage the console i have experience
  12. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    Does my command work?
    Post Merge: [time]1281990962[/time]
    Yes it does damage it.

    When a disc is spinning and you stop it instantly, the PS2 will try to continue spinning but you stop it from doing that.
    The cd may break, or your PS2 may get damaged.
    (cd breaking is a tiny change, but there is a change...)
  13. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member

    Sucess! I have, using PS2 Commandline RADSHELL, run GEX (the oldest PS1 game I could think of) In PS2PSXe public preview.

    There's no sound (expected) and it's a bit fast (?! AND SNESSTATION IS SLOW?!?!?). Only one game at a time.

    To boot a game from USB you have to get radshell and edit radshell.rsh. Put EVERYTHING in radshell's folder.

    Radshell uses RUN, not BOOT, BTW.

    So, here is my sucessful radshell.rsh file for booting gex (if you want to you may have to change the filename) on a NTSC 60hz TV that can't run PAL.

    If you want it on a PAL tv (It will actually look better) remove -ntsc and change bios to a pal bios (AND USE PAL ROMS).

    The last line is the only thing that needs to be added BTW.

    fontsize 0.6
    border 2 2

    store reset.rsh
    store mc.rsh
    store mcx.rsh
    store irx/usbhdfsd.irx
    store mass.rsh
    store irx/poweroff.irx
    store irx/ps2dev9.irx
    store dev9.rsh
    store irx/ps2atad.irx
    store irx/ps2hdd.irx
    store irx/ps2fs.irx
    store hdd.rsh
    store irx/romdir.irx
    store rom.rsh

    script int:reset.rsh

    set prompt "$$CD>"
    set RSH_DIR "$CD"
    set reboot "run rom0:OSDSYS"
    set reset "script int:reset.rsh"
    run ps2psxe.elf -ntsc -cdimage=gex-1st.bin -bios=SCPH1001.BIN -nofps

    now, ps2psxe.elf NEEDS to be that exact name and in the radshell folder, and have run before it. -ntsc makes it work on 60hz only TVs. -cdimage=(image.extension) image must be in radshell folder and the name has to be exactly the name of the file (so gex is gex-1st.bin). NO SPACES in the filename, and keep it short, just in case. It can load .cue and .ccd too but I haven't tried that yet. -nofps gets rid of what I hear is an annoyingly large Frame-per-sec counter.

    I know that all sounded like gibberish. I'm going to test rayman next :D:D:D:D:D

    After I test a few titles (I will NOT test rhythym games like parappa or vib ribbon cause...well, no sound), should I make a easier-to-read tutorial/small compatibility (RUNS) list for this odd and hard to config program?

    Thanks for all the help.

    EDIT: DAMN! It runs MECHWARRIOR 2 too fast (seemingly 200% EMULATED?!) and it looks SO FREAKING FLUID!!!! Some 2-second blue screens between some loadings but nothing affects the game. No sound isnt really important for a game like this. Also, DAMN! 2, IT UPCONVERTS THE FREAKING VIDEO! *Graphicsgasm

    Also, it loads hundreds-of-mibs PS1 games WAAAY faster on a USB 1.1 then should be possible. It is awesum.

    EDIT again: Rayman doesn't boot. Granted it IS a trouble game in PC ePSXe too.

    Now I'll try a japanese game (rakugaki showtime). I'm changing the bios to SPCH-1000 (1st JP) temporarily for this one. Should run :)

    Did I mention that the games DO save? :D

    Yay rakugaki.

    Still fast.

    NOTE: now tested: PS2ePSXe will NOT load .cue

    Only the biggest image file, whether bin, img, iso, whatever.

    RS crashes on lev. 2 of story and has a few grafix screws...

    ah well, there's always that unlock everything code.

    TO anyone who didn't get some of the earlier stuff, too, you run radshell.elf, NOT ps2psxe.elf. Rad loads all the settings and dirs THEN runs it.

    Next up - tomba, one of the "cursed" ps1 games that doesn't boot in any ps2.

    More info: FMVs run normally.

    Also, I have to stop taking crack every time I test a lot for an emulator.

    Tomba's a bit slow, and the screen flashes...but shit, it runs! There ya go! Tomba runs on a ps2.

    Honestly, it's the closest to full speed I've seen yet. All others were fast as crap. Flashing's not too bad, it's no pikachu seizure. playable.

    Loads a bit slow and some FX are no. But still, good.

    Next (and last) thing i'll test tonight is ghost in the shell. It can be a bit slow on epsxe itself, so i figure it'll be slow or normal.

    Ghost don't run.

    Okay, so summary:


    Gex (Fast)
    Mechwarrior 2 (Fast, but I likes it :3, blue screens during a load sometimes but does NOT crash game)
    Rakugaki Showtime (Fast, Gltches, Crashes before reaching stage 2 of story mode)
    Tomba (slow/near normal speed. Some minor graphical glitching, slight flashing blue every now and then.)

    Doesn't even boot:

    Ghost in the shell.

    Yeah, it's just allright, but it's a FREAKING ALPHA and it does this. That's badass.

  14. Halo-101

    Halo-101 Well-Known Member

    Help Guys i just want 2 run PSX Games from USB In PS2 What do i need to do a whole easy tutorial please! and download locations mayb precompiled? thnx in advance

    (P.S Toy Story 2,Toy Story Racer,Emporers New Groove,Gex Enter The Gecko,Mickey Mouse are the games i wish to run)
  15. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

  16. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member

    Or he could have read directly above his own post.

    I don't know if he'd still be willing to go though it if he knew there was no sound, though.