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Reputations: Is it THAT important??

Discussion in 'Debates' started by Cahos Rahne Veloza, Apr 13, 2008.

  1. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    So here I am again with another one of my long, unbearable for some, topic introductions, so sucks to you, lol!!

    Anyway for those of you still in high-school or is about to enter high school, what do you feel about the value of "status" in your life. I'm going to confine this topic on the high school setting as there are a lot of you who are probably still or are about to be on that level. This doesn't mean that old people as myself, aherm..., are not allowed to share our opinions as I'm going to make this an open discussion, not in a debating manner if possible, more like one of those counseling sessions if you may.

    So onto the topic, is having a "rep" really that important?? Is it really ok to be labelled as the rich kid, the popular girl, the jock, the rebel, the nerd, the geek & so forth?? Don't you feel kinda "boxed in" when people label you as this & that limiting what you may or may not be??
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Re: Status Quo: Is it THAT important??

    I think you're confused, 'status quo' means 'the way things are', nothing to do with reputation or social standing.
  3. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    I was again playing with words as that is my usual Modus Operandi when creating topics, but since you thought it sucked so I changed it, but I think my original title had this "umph" to it though, even if my "usage" was faulty
  4. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    now I'm older i found reputation means nothing in the real world. all the "cool" kids in my school are now all jobless losers with nothing to look forward to but the next can of special brew (just if don't know special brew is a very cheap larger beer which is a favorite of the alcoholics). the rebels are in the same boat. the geeks went to university took drugs became funny less boring people and still had the brains to get a good job. and all the run of the mill nobodies are just your average bit of the population
  5. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    For me, "branding", became too torturous that all my life I was in rage, literally. Being "big" I was branded, "Fat ass", "lazy bum", "guy who makes out with the fridge" etc., but that was just a third of it, being born with underdeveloped poor eye sight, I was also branded as the "disabled kid", then when people noticed that I got good grades, despite my disability,they then added "Mr. trying hard know it all". So all in all, I was "Fat assed disabled know it all".

    I mean, people really do find mean things to say to people, so they can feel better about themselves. :(
  6. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    lol I used to get called 'four-eyes' because I wear glasses. The stupidest thing was being bullied by deaf kids because I'm deaf and I talk rather than sign... compounded by the fact it was a school for the deaf where signing wasn't allowed.
  7. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    There's more to my story:

    Being fed up, with all this built up anger inside, I finally snapped. One day this school bully was picking on me then it happened..

    My vision became dark, that is everything turned all white, then when I regained my senses I realised I was actually beating the crap out of that bully, yeah I was like in overdrive mode or something, then the unfair thing happened..

    Our butchy, hope that's ok to say, school counselor sent me to detention, for defending myself, where's the justice there!!

    Anyway, I'd really bash her face in if I ever get the chance to see her, that is, if she's still alive. I understand that I was punished for fighting, but why'd she tell me that "as a disabled person I should just keep quiet & just take the beating" WTF!!

    Then, when she learned I passed the NSATs & I had applied for college at the University I'm currently in (of course now I'm taking up Graduate studies), she told me, that people like me shouldn't aim high in life, that we should just be happy flipping burgers or something!!

    Grrr! just remembering boils me up!!
  8. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I had that too, my parents were told by an education 'expert' that deaf kids can't learn languages, and I think its fairly safe to say I speak more languages than he does.
  9. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Oddly enough it seems "disabled" people have some "abilities" other normal people don't.

    Like the reason I get good grades is because I have this photographic memory thing. Unlike regular people I can remember anything that I've learned in the past, weither it be months ago or even years. This also applies to my "memories", most people would naturally forget little things like, what they had for lunch on a Monday 3 months ago, but I can, I can even remember the oldest memory I have, a memory of my first "new year's celebration" memory, when I was 2!!

    It's like I have a hard disk for a brain

    And yet, I suck at typing lol ;D
  10. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    one of my disabilities gives me a pretty good recall, so I do well in exams, and also makes me a genius at scientific subjects My short term memory is pretty crap though.
  11. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    sound like dyslexia or at least a tendency, i have the same problem.

    try being ginger in the UK, no one is aloud to discriminate anything anymore except ginger people for some reason so everyones pent up rage and stupidity gets taken out on me.

    talking about school, i hated it, i really hated it. i knew everything i was being taught but could never write very well, my life has always been "has potential but never shows it" so i struggled though hating every minute of it.
    finally after changing what i wanted to do a couple of times I'm now doing what i enjoy and my tutor sat me down and said "your the most intelligent person in this class but your work does not reflect it we want you to take a test" a test to show if i had any learning difficulties.
    the test showed my IQ is very high and my visual spacial awareness (doing things) is through the roof top 3.3 percent of the population. but i can't spell and i can't sequence, meaning i can't put the information i know it to a form that makes sense making it almost impossible and very frustrating to write things. I'm 21 now and its relay frustrating that they have only now realised this as now i have panic attacks about essays or any writting for that matter but now I've had this test they can give the work differently (allot of it spoken) so i stay calm.

    after talking to the people who do these tests it seems that the most intelligent people are the ones with leaning difficulties (in an academic sense) but it does show the other way round as "geeks" very academic people are not very good at doing things and are social inept.

    this thread is cool just another one that lets us know just a little more about out romulation comunity.
    Romulation "because we try harder"
    Cahos Rahne Veloza "bringing people together" ;D
  12. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Nope, it's ASD (autistic spectrum disorder, an extremely mild form of autism)
  13. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    I'm not a big fan of bullying, but I don't pay attention to that stuff.. I have Zero Tolerance though, I can defend my self easily, even in words, and forms
  14. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    well, in malaysia, we dont lable people like geek, nerd, cool guys or porpular girls, but instead we lable people by thier race....yup, my high school is a racist school.......big fight always happen between the malay and chinese (2 bigest population of the school), there is couple of case where the student get arrested by the police.....

    even with all that happening, i never been sent to the principle for fighting.....instead i been sent to the principle for "aid in cheating" in exams......
  15. einherjar

    einherjar Well-Known Member

    My looks would let one to believe I'm a very normal person (normal jeans, quite sporitve shirts) though I listen to Emperor and Satyricon (both symphonic black metal) and I know more about the Norse Mythology then my english teacher knows about england. And I like playing videogames... But because I've got a girlfriend, people tend to think I don't like games (that's indeed plain stupid)

    If I would be labeled, it would be something like "normetalnerd" or something:p Whatever, I like the way I am, and personally I don't give a damn shit about what people think of me, as long as my friends like me the way I am.
  16. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Man that's tough, it's like your High School's an actual version of the school in the game bully

    Another cause for discrimination is religion, here in the Philippines, especially in the Capital, if a Moslem kid transfers to a Catholic dominated school said kid gets several head turns at him/her but not in a good way.

    Sometimes, bullying occurs with no Physical or verbal modes, you just know you're being discriminated by people's glimpses & silince.
  17. BloodVayne

    BloodVayne Well-Known Member

    Unfortunately, my school discriminates on so called "status", religion, race, skin color and even having a boy/girlfriend. The "cool", wealthy kids usually skip class, smoke in class, etc. with no consequence. If you're rich enough you can literally buy your report card even if you fail on all subjects. There's been a squabble between Muslims and Christians/Catholics for decades, even. Chinese students tend to get discriminated, though sometimes they discriminate themselves. Even though 99% percent of the boys at school watch porn daily, having an actual girlfriend is still taboo.
    Yes, my school prides itself in being a "pilot" institution.
  18. clyffe28

    clyffe28 Well-Known Member

    bullying isn't so rampant in my school but its very hard to have a good reputation because when you do something bad or something akward happens to you
  19. Xile

    Xile Active Member

    in my school they label people by clothing and mostly look, theres a hint of racism(or whatever its called) its mostly against Muslims and other immigrants from Arabic countries.
    they have a very bad reputation in denmark mostly because some of them are extremely provocative and because they often appear in large groups 4-10+ and also because some of them steals/robs things (mopeds in my case).
    last summer me and my friend was sitting on our mopeds(talking) when 8 immigrants drove by(yeah they were 8 and they drove on 3 mopeds),so me and my friend knew it meant danger(i believe it was intuitive) so we began starting our mopeds quickly(because we could hear tires screaming), but my friend couldn't get his started, I got my own moped started and drove off(remember there were 8 of them) so a little while later i hear his moped(which is/were tuned so it makes a very distinct sound ) start and drive off and then they were gone. this all happend less than 100 meters from where we live.
    a few minutes later i meet him at his house. we were both very shocked (in denmark you have to be 18 to drive a car and "only"16 to drive a moped therefore some boys get mopeds)... anyway back on topic. being a ginger in denmark isn't easy and having glasses doesn't make it any easier

    i hope you can live with my bad English and bad English grammar i also hope its not "too" offtopic
  20. Truth

    Truth Active Member

    Reputation's importance rises the older and more powerful you become.