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Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Jhon 591, Oct 10, 2010.

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  1. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

  2. Blade5406

    Blade5406 Well-Known Member

    Re: Final Fantasy The 4 Heroes of Light - Save Corruption Fix - Credits to Cid!

    When does the corruption happen?
  3. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Re: Final Fantasy The 4 Heroes of Light - Save Corruption Fix - Credits to Cid!

    Some People complane about save corruption with certin flashcards! - It dose happen to some but not all.

    They say it just corrups

    Please report back if it work's or not ?

    Post Merge: [time]1286715655[/time]

    Final Fantasy - The 4 Heroes of Light - Ultimate Collection - All Clean 64MB ROM's


    Fixed 6 bad multiple Header's in (EUR) (ABSTRAKT) ROM

    Clean 64MB each after extracted
  4. Shiinifr

    Shiinifr New Member

    Re: Final Fantasy The 4 Heroes of Light - Save Corruption Fix - Credits to Cid!

    Works perfect ! Thanks a lot Jhon 591 !

    But beware, the Final Fantasy - The 4 Heroes of Light (E).nds rom within your "Ultimate Collection Pack", is not compatible with the EUR (Absktrakt).ups. It says :

    Patch application will take approximately 1 minute(s), 4 second(s).
    Please be patient ... UI will not be responsive during this time.
    Failed! Input checksum is invalid.
    - The original 5259 - Final Fantasy The 4 Heroes of Light (E).nds however works perfect with the ups
    - The USA rom in the collection works with the USA ups in the collection
    - The JAP rom in the collection works with the JAP ups in the collection

    Thanks again for the patch ;)
  5. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Re: Final Fantasy The 4 Heroes of Light - Save Corruption Fix - Credits to Cid!

    @ Shiinifr

    That's because i fixed the 6 bad header at the start of that ROM - I will upload a new patch for that! - It changed the GameID - that why the patch don't work with that rom - just the (EUR)(ABSTRAKT) version will work with that patch!

    Mine is the fixed of 6 bad multable heards in the ROM

    But your welcome , and chears for leting us know this and to overs who need to know that it work's!

    EDIT: Don't forget to Credit Cid for the fix it's self!

    Post Merge: [time]1286723834[/time]

    EDIT: Fixed EUR 2.ups

    For the (E) ROM in my Ultimate Collection With the 6 bad header's fixed! - Use with the UPS Patcher


    Hear you go Shiinifr !, Hope this helps...

    So one Persion has confimed it as working - anyone else ?
  6. Jaradcel

    Jaradcel New Member

    Re: Final Fantasy The 4 Heroes of Light - Save Corruption Fix - Credits to Cid!

    Weird. I'm using NukeThis's file, and get Checksum invalids patching (Tried it with both the E and US patches inside) Any hints?

    Downloaded the (E) ver and the patching works. Might want to check something to do with the US ver?

    Thanks though! :)
  7. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Re: Final Fantasy The 4 Heroes of Light - Save Corruption Fix - Credits to Cid!

    I did not supply one for the cracked version ROM - they is no point , as the rom saves mabe already fixed - are is it ?

    If the ROM is below 64MB - then i did not bother - Only for Clean ROM's i did

    If the rom has bean trimed also that will change the GameID and checksum - making it useless

    That's where you can add it to the rom manuly - with the codes in the first post with a hex-edtor - you can open a rom direct with a hex-edtor!

    Just serch for the offset and chage the hex!
    Post Merge: [time]1286790056[/time]
    Cheacked - USA (NukeThis).ups , With the (U) ROM in my package - worked fine!
  8. fira10

    fira10 Member

    Re: Final Fantasy The 4 Heroes of Light - Save Corruption Fix - Credits to Cid!

    hey , is this only for those who have real NDS ?
    or the corruption also will happen in No$GBA ?
  9. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Re: Final Fantasy The 4 Heroes of Light - Save Corruption Fix - Credits to Cid!

    Should work on both if you are having a save corruption on no$gba are flashcard - you can just patch the game anyway - it don't trim it!

    You can also use the save anywhere action reply code on my first post ^ with the (U) ROM only, though no$gba are flashcard cheat files and gameid to use

    Not had any proplem anyway with the no$gba though the no$zommer...
    Post Merge: [time]1286873944[/time]
    Save Anywhere for the (E) rom is

    ::[SEL=X] Save Anywhere
    52110D40 E5962044
    22110D44 00000000
    52110D40 E5962044
    94000130 FFFB0000
    22110D44 00000004
    D2000000 00000000
  10. fira10

    fira10 Member

    Re: Final Fantasy The 4 Heroes of Light - Save Corruption Fix - Credits to Cid!

    hey , i'm quiet confuse , either the ROM itself or the No$GBA problem .
    the words overlapped each other e.g at a shop, i click potion(haven't buy) then i click antidote, then the words will overlapped each other . can anyone help ?
  11. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Re: Final Fantasy The 4 Heroes of Light - Save Corruption Fix - Credits to Cid!

    This is not the topic for your request - i posted it to you in

  12. Mintobradbuck

    Mintobradbuck New Member

    Re: Final Fantasy The 4 Heroes of Light - Save Corruption Fix - Credits to Cid!

    By "corruption" do you mean how it resets the save file when you start the game up? Because mine, the (U) ROM, keeps doing that, and I put the patch on it.
  13. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Re: Final Fantasy The 4 Heroes of Light - Save Corruption Fix - Credits to Cid!

    Are you using the venom patched version or original with the patch ? , And what card ...
  14. sbacio

    sbacio Active Member

    Re: Final Fantasy The 4 Heroes of Light - Save Corruption Fix - Credits to Cid!

    could you upload a prepatched rom?
  15. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Re: Final Fantasy The 4 Heroes of Light - Save Corruption Fix - Credits to Cid!

    Somethink so simple and can not be done , Nope wario say's D.I.Y
  16. teheezin

    teheezin Guest

    Re: Final Fantasy The 4 Heroes of Light - Save Corruption Fix - Credits to Cid!

    So what do I do after my save file corrupted? Do I needa start all over again ? :( My save file just corrupted just now
  17. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Re: Final Fantasy The 4 Heroes of Light - Save Corruption Fix - Credits to Cid!

    With it already patched ?

    Well look's like - just backup reglure - you can not recover a corrupted file
  18. dinesh920

    dinesh920 New Member

    Re: Final Fantasy The 4 Heroes of Light - Save Corruption Fix - Credits to Cid!

    can u reupload the ups patcher?
  19. garg_priyansh

    garg_priyansh Well-Known Member

    Re: Final Fantasy The 4 Heroes of Light - Save Corruption Fix - Credits to Cid!

    reupload the ups patcher please
  20. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Re: Final Fantasy The 4 Heroes of Light - Save Corruption Fix - Credits to Cid!

    If anyone learns how to open a ROM with a basic hex-edtor they can add it in them self's - http://mh-nexus.de/en/hxd/

    Search for the two offset's and type over the hex - then save the ROM

    Offset 00077598 Hex 0C -> 36

    Offset 00077598 Hex 0C -> 36
    000776F3 10 -> 11
    EUR (Absktrakt): Should work for over (E) ROM's also  - If same hex start's with 0C
    00077797 0C -> 36
    000778F2 10 -> 11
    USA (NukeThis): Should work for over (U) ROM's also - If same hex start's with 0C
    0007779A 0C -> 36
    000778F5 10 -> 11
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