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Remembering the lost ones

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by rock91, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. rock91

    rock91 Well-Known Member

    Remembering the lost ones

    In this thread you can post something about a person you lost in your life and remember him. Things like this change your life. Remembering the dead is pretty painfull but it's necesary to move on.

    DO NOT SPAM IN THIS THREAD FOR NO REASON OR I WILL REPORT YOU. This is one of those threads that joking around is not allowed. Just stay on topic please.

    As for me:​

    I don't have any ''gone'' friends or family members. Fortunately they are all alive. I wish they would never die. Especially my grandaparents who raised me till I was 8 years old. I love you guys. You will always live in my heart
  2. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    In a way that I cannot explain. I knew you were going to make this topic. And I commend you for doing so. Facing death is one thing we all must do, and it helps to have the support of people, especially when you've lost someone special L.O.S.S(Living without someone special).
    My uncle died July 16th 1991. My grandmother passed September 21,2007. When you think of the word humble, they fit that description perfectly. I won't go on about them, as I know others have lost too. But I do encourage you to post, it might hurt, but it's a way to help others, as well as help yourself. If you're running from it, don't. I did, and it's not worth it. There gone from this world, but to truly be gone is to be forgotten completely, when the memory dies. And my memory of them will never die. I do not cry anymore for those gone, I shed tears for those still here. It's a tough world, but my solace in it all, is knowing people like the very person who started this thread exists. It takes strong people, to make strong people, and it takes survivors, to make survivors. Share your stories, and know that you when you're weak, someone will pick you up, and when your strong someone will stand beside you. RIP my uncle John, my grandmother Alice, and to anyone who has left this mortal coil. Thank you for the thread, and the time(and space) to say what I had to. You have my thanks deeply. -Daniel
  3. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I lost a friend who I respected more than myself, they aren't dead...

    But they sure wish I was, all because of an act of sheer stupidity, this is where the story ends.

    It's why I'm active here, end post.
  4. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    Honestly, I won't read into that one bit. I just want to say this, if the bridge is burned that badly, is it worth it to find another way across? Or just keep moving ahead, knowing that person is behind you, and you can't, or won't turn back.
  5. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    It's a bit hard to forget someone that made you realise there is more to life than video games (I am a video game addict-now forum addict).

    Funny thing is, they changed-they tried to destroy my credibility and turn those who i once knew agaisn't me, well with 88% of them still speaking to me on facebook that know the story...I think otherwise.

    I thank those who knew this person for sticking by me, for without them I'd just lie in my bed all day staring at the ceiling...

    Oh yeah, I lost a few other things.

    My pet dog (hardly played with him-the day I told my farther "I'll play with him next week" I found out he'd been hit by a car) and several gold fish (if not the toxic pond, it was the fact that they ethier killed each other or the cat's got them despite being in a locked cage set up).

    And another best friend from child hood, not quite lost we just went seperate ways, he goes clubbing, picks up, raves and drinks, I'm agaisn't all of that because of some of the crap I seen in life, and whenever our respective parent's organise a party for the other, he's never present (or he comes for 5 mins and then leaves).

    Not so much a loss there, more of a "drift".

    ...and if not for these mossie bites I'd feel alot better, now to get those fixed...
  6. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    I say this with all due respect. The loss comes from betrayal. And that stings to the soul.
    In many ways, we can deal with death, but when someone living becomes "dead" to us, then you walk around with those tarnished memories in your head. Though you have moved on, do not be surprised if you guys cross paths again. In an unstable world, remember this, the last thing you say to someone, may very well be the last words they hear. Don't let bitterness, or the sting of betrayal etch out an venomous words. Telling someone to go to hell, before they actually die would be something that would weigh heavy on you Hypnos. By the very nature of your post, it's clear, thank God, that you DO have a conscious. It would be nice if all that past BS were done away with, but you know what's best. But I can tell you this, I know you haven't let it go fully.

    Edit: Sometimes, it just feels like someone is dead. But until they actually are, there is always a chance to get all that straightened out.
  7. Paddette

    Paddette Well-Known Member

    I lost my Grandad a few months ago, just before Christmas (his favourite time of year). I am joining the Royal Navy (he was part of of Nav During World War 2), and there was nothing more he wanted to do, than to see me doing my passing out parade and spend another christmas with his close family. He was an idol and perhaps one of the greatest figures in my life. I am sad, truly, that he is gone, but mostly because he didn't make either of the wishes he had. He gave me his medals from world war 2 in his will, and my brothers and cousin carried his coffin. It was the hardest thing I have had to do, and it was also the most honoured I had been in my life.

    Thanks for this post. Posting that really took a load off of my chest, and... yeah. Just thanks man.
  8. phscarface

    phscarface Well-Known Member

    Oh rock you've made a good topic, really cares 'bout others.
    I don't have any dead family, but a friend, he was shot by the cops by mistake, since they were after a robber, in the same place, but they saw him and since they were "hot fingers" just wasted him...I'll never forget you David..my friend....
  9. haseoTOD

    haseoTOD Guest

    Ahhh... I'll never forget my uncle, always so nice to me... Giving me toys and plays with me all the time... He was like a dad to me since my parents got divorced when I was 8, but on my 10th birthday, someone shot him in the neck.

    Haha, Ah life.
  10. rock91

    rock91 Well-Known Member

    That is harsh Haseo.
  11. gettajob0007

    gettajob0007 Well-Known Member

    Thats really harsh! Why would someone do that? Pay my respects to your uncle.
  12. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Most of my friends I have now are because of my contact with this person...

    What I did was an act of stupidity, but what transpired was..as if to server our past friendship.

    Of course I haven't let it go, I'm just at a state where I can function.

    But if not for this loss...I wouldn't have secured the ones I have now, nor met the one's I'm meeting with every day, before I restricted myself to this one person, now I have not only have re-established the firends i had before hand, but those friends have introduced me to more!

    And the one's I even stayed away from because I felt we weren't linked, were the reason I am stable (they opened my eye's to what was going on..)

    Are you serious there, sounds tramatic...

    My nan is kinda like this (kind, caring and even gave presents constantly until I turned 21), I'd hate to loss her...but age is always a problem with gran parents...it is enevitable, still we have our family bond (I'm her good luck charm-she has a belief that black hair'd people can bring her luck on new year's eve...and I'm the only one that has it :) )
  13. haseoTOD

    haseoTOD Guest

    Oh, another one is my aunt, the sister of my dad (not my step dad).

    When we visit our dad we always talk about stuff and play and I remember how she used to toss me in the air and kiss my cheeks then making some of her very delicious soups. But then she got a cancer on the brain or somethin' and you can see in her head, her brain throbbing. She died two weeks before my birthday.

    I think I'm infused with some Chinese curse in me. (I'm half Chinese.)
  14. rock91

    rock91 Well-Known Member

    You suffered a lot I see. I'm so sorry. Be stong buddy ^_^
  15. haseoTOD

    haseoTOD Guest

    Oh, and there's my Grandad too, got Diabetes, got his legs cut off, then died a month after my birth

    I wish I met him.
  16. rock91

    rock91 Well-Known Member

    O.O wow
  17. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    My aussie one died before I was even born, and my fillo one died while I was about...1 or 2?

    Never met mine, but apparently there wasn't much i missed...apparantly the grouchy old man types they were.

    Still, to not know my gran fathers...
  18. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    Being able to take a loss and make a gain, if not many gains, means you've reached a point of maturity few people get to. But don't harbor ill-will, just keep moving, and if your path crosses with theirs, thank them. If not for them, or your problems in general, you wouldn't be where you're at now.
  19. MitsukaiXxX

    MitsukaiXxX Well-Known Member

    Its funny.....

    We all fight each other
    Hate each other
    War against each other
    Kill each other
    Hurt Each other
    Exile Each other
    Cause pain each other......

    But we all end of in the same place sooner or later
    And thats only thing we all have in common