I am an atheist. Bill Maher has created a movie full of propaganda. He is an idiot and does not understand religion enough to truly represent the arguments against it. Your thoughts? Note: No this isn't a troll. I'm honestly pissed at Bill Maher for making a weak ass peice of propaganda that I believe will hurt the cause. If you're just religious and want to attack him or me for atheism, gtfo, I don't care about your opinion.
i wont attack you but man come on christianity is the way switch over i think i might sound super priestly but our god is merciful just switch over man
I dislike the idea of there being someone who's superior to me, so I don't really like the idea of religion unless I'm the one getting worshipped. On that note, who's up for starting a new cult? We'll call it Reitardation and the followers will be henceforth referred to as Reitards. WHO'S WITH ME!?
Bill Maher isn't an atheist. He's a former agnostic, now apatheist. Your atheism pretty much bears no weight in this discussion, honestly, since I believe you believe the movie is something that it isn't, and are using your religious beliefs (or lack thereof) to justify your hate of it. The movie isn't meant to criticize all religions. It's meant to criticize MASS religions. Believing in a religion shouldn't be dependent on those around you believing and worshiping the same way. Perhaps you should take a hint here--just because most atheists may hate the movie doesn't mean you should... keep an open mind on this. Either way, I'm going to see the movie. It's more of a test in peoples' gullibility. They're told something is someway because the religious heads tell them, and lack the self-guidance that people should have in religious beliefs to question the heads of the mass religious movements.
There really is not debate, or even an argument, here. The movie isn't actually propaganda. What you are doing is just proving your lack of atheism.
It's not supporting any religion in particular, the film is really a knockoff of Bowling for Columbine/Fahrenheit 911 and as an atheist I don't really see how you should feel threatened by such a film. In all actuality you should find the film to be humorous. Right now you're acting no different than, let's say, www.antispore.com with your biased opinion on a film you haven't actually seen.
Wow. Nice exaggeration. The film is propaganda whether you like it or hate it. Even if you agree with it, it's still propaganda. Look up the definition. Bowling for Columbine and Fahrenheit 911 are also both technically propaganda.
Y'know. After observing you here I can't help but notice that you just kind of hate the thought of religion. For the sake of this debate. Why? Has it wronged you in some way? I myself am agnostic. Personally, I have no beef with religions as it seems you do. You're being very blunt about this whole thing, and rather stubborn about your personal viewpoint (which is, kids, a biased opinion). Being biased is not conducive to a healthy argument. Especially when you start it yourself. While we're on the topic of propaganda I can't help but notice that you neglected the fact that you've used only the word propaganda selectively. Wait a minute, what is this, are you spreading propaganda yourself with a biased opinion of a film you have not seen? Could this be, dare I say, hypocrisy? On an even more serious note: if you really are feeling this threatened by a film you should be re-assessing your priorities. You seem very confused about your own belief. Someone who is comfortable not only with themselves, but their own personal beliefs, should not feel threatened by the world around them. Including other people's views, theories and beliefs. When you make your "points" on this particular film all I see is someone screaming "I jumped on the agnostic train because it looks cool."
Yep. I do hate religion. Most religion anyway. I hate it's effect on the human mind and it's effects on the world. My YouTube channel is devoted to the subject. Religion need not wrong me in anyway personally. It robs people of using their higher brain function in exchange for comfort. ???"Want to let people be equal?" "SHIT NO! THIS UNCITED BOOK SAYZ NO LULZ!" I haven't posted any propaganda, as I haven't posted any sources to anything. I haven't even partially presented information in an attempt to spin facts and change opinion. You said yourself it's not a debate, as did I. When I actually post some materials, THEN it will be a debate. I'm not sure why you're trying to argue about anything yet I don't feel threatened by the film. I'm addressing that it's made by someone who is not as intelligent as many people who could have made the film. The film is (by proclamation of the creators) meant to be joke. They never told any of the interviewees about the movie, and were incredibly one sided in their material. My point is that it ISN'T a valid documentary, but is pushed as such in the media. It's a mainstream troll, and helps no one learn anything about anything. I'm not jumping on an agnostic train >_> Are you confused? That has nothing to do with anything. I'll just leave this here.
i gotta say elk you got me really off on that image you posted dude(loony i read the forum rules and there is no rule about proselytising. and i am not proselytising loony i am giving advice. by my saying of switch over im sure you know that i wasnt forcing him in a serious way)some people really tend to take religion in an obsessed manner. but you have to keep in mind that not all are like that. with religion you receive extra purposes and goals for life. im saying this just to help man
Although I agree with you that religious proselytizing is (if not immoral) at least stupid. But when it comes to important things like reality, beliefs must be changed. Of course this is being said with the definition of 'belief' in mind, and not the kind of common usage that only applies to the religious.
i dont like religion simply because 1. stupid tradition, all religion have stupid tradition take islam for example, when they pray, they have to brodcast their stupid prayer as loud as possible, this is anoying for non-muslim especially when its 5.30am in the morning. 2. blind follower, religion is good because it teach people good moral, but it only turn bad when people follow the religion blindly like the said religion is everything without thinking about logic and comon sense. If god are so almighty then why he didnt show him\her self to us? or why god didnt give us a solid proff of his\her existence rather to have some nobody to write a story book about him\her?