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Regular 3DS or 3DS XL

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by tarotmaniac, Feb 27, 2013.

  1. tarotmaniac

    tarotmaniac Well-Known Member

    Debating whether or not to get a regular 3DS or an XL. Money is not a problem but I want to know if it's worth the extra money for the XL. Does it have any perks besides the larger screen? I'm only asking because if there isn't much difference I would just get the regular 3DS and use the money I would have used for the XL to by some more games. Thanks
  2. Gary2288

    Gary2288 Member

    You get a bigger screen and no charger, the games look much better on the larger screen but NDS games look like crap, they aren't much better on the regular 3DS though due to the resolution stretching, you can disable that but then the game screen is too small to be usable.

    It's really down to your own choice though, you can get an XL preloaded with either Mario 3d land or Mario kart so that might make up the price difference enough to get an XL.

    The only other thing i would suggest is to try each one if you can before hand and see which one is the most comfortable in your hands and for your eyes.
  3. tarotmaniac

    tarotmaniac Well-Known Member

    The XL doesn't come with a charger?

    Well the last bit is true, I have tried a 3DS and it's slightly bigger than my DS and I did notice a bit of a difference in their size. It might be quite difficult to find someone with an XL but I will try. Price wise I checked, a normal 3DS here costs, in dollars to make everything easier to understand, is about 185 Dollars. Normal XL is 250 and XL with Mario Kart is 285. Games here range from 30-40 dollars so the 100 dollar diff between XL with Mario Kart and 3DS is a bit big if I were to consider having a preloaded game on the XL to be a bonus.
  4. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Had you not demanded too large a discount, I'd not bluff and say the charger is sold separately. :p
  5. eroz

    eroz Member

    I'm from the States, I just bought a 3DS XL and it came with a charger. Can you buy from here and have it shipped to your country? The one I bought came preloaded with MarioKart and the price was $199.
  6. tarotmaniac

    tarotmaniac Well-Known Member

    There is no online store that ships free to my country so the shipping cost would equal to me just buying it here, plus I would have saved 1-3 months of my life waiting for it if I would just buy it here.
    Post Merge: [time]1362229300[/time]
    Another question is does the XL merely stretch out what is in the original 3DS like is it just merely a bigger screen where the graphics are stretched out and pixelated or doe sit look natural and what not
  7. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    From what I heard it does just stretch it, but the 3d actually looks better on the xl for some reason...I know this because I played alot of store units XD

    That said I own the first gen model, local store was selling them half price to other stores ($119 aud, plus my staff discount 5% off XD, normal price $230), but I wish I had the xl now, more room to draw for swap note app, easier on eyes with 3-d on, and the extra hour battery life is nicer, but sadly the colours on the xl's suck for me currently.