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Rediscovering the Nintendo 64!

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by darkman, Feb 5, 2007.

  1. darkman

    darkman Well-Known Member

    I found out this past week that all of the Gamestop and EB Games locally are selling out of their used N64 and PS1 games. They will no longer carry any of these games any more, nor will they buy any back. It is a buy one get one free thing until they are all gone, so I decided to add to my puny N64 game collection. I think my collection was small due to at time that the N64 was hot, the games were rather expensive compared to the PS1 and Saturn.

    So this past week I have added 10 games to my N64. I am, sort of, rediscovering the N64, so to speak. It has been in my closet for a while. This system really was a good little game machine. I grabbed up a lot of games that were rather elusive and hard to find locally during the N64 heyday. F-Zero X, Battle for Naboo, Banjo-Tooie, Rayman 2, XG2, and a bunch of racers. Enjoying immensely “automobili Lamborghini” right now. That is a very good racing game, and I love a good arcade racer.

    It is true that the 3D graphics of that time period, for consoles, was a little crude. But it worked, especially if it complimented a decent game. According to Wikipedia's definition of “retro” the N64 falls right in there. I really don't see it as retro necessarily. But I guess it is. I do see it, along with the PS1 and the Saturn, as the pioneers or ground breakers, on home consoles, of the modern 3D gaming that we are enjoying on the PS2, PS3, Gamecube, Xbox, Xbox 360, and the Wii.

    I have been pulling out old N64 games that I haven't played for years. I consider Starfox64 a classic. I just relived this week the section of that game that is my favorite, I have yet to find a game that gives me the same feeling as I first had when going into that area with the tower in the middle and having dogfights all around it. And then flying out of there as it blows up. It is still as fun as it ever was! It is the one game that I feel makes the N64 worth having! IMHO

    I averaged $5.00 USD per game, so I might be going back soon to get some more. I don't think any one else is taking advantage of this opportunity to catch up on some missed fun locally. I seem to be the only one thumbing through and purchasing them.

    Has anyone else had one of those moments, like I had with Starfox64, on a N64 game?
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    You're right, the N64 was amazing. I don't have mine currently as I lent it to my uncle
  3. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    My first ever console gaming experience was with The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, I played it with two of my friends in one of their living rooms. I think we spent at least 3 months on that game. I've always had a love for Nintendo games ever since, especially Zelda.

    And on a site note, the Wii is exactly as awesome as the N64, can't wait to get a star-fox like game.
  4. Relys

    Relys Well-Known Member

    I still play my N64 from time to time... I have all 4 controlers and some times my friends come over and we play ssb or perfect dark.
  5. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Ahh it's time to move onto the Wii mate, it's MADE for groups of people to have fun.
  6. Relys

    Relys Well-Known Member

    Too expensive. :-\
  7. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Time to fall on your knees and go "PLEASE MUMMY, I MUST HAVE THE WII!"
  8. ultra

    ultra Guest

    you're not the only one. i have known that gamestop/eb games were having a buy 1 get 1 free deal on all ps1 and n64 games and have been having an urge to buy ps1 and n64 games that i have never managed to play, such as kirbys adventure for the n64. but, the local gamestop/ eb game store near where i live no longer have any of them or they are only full of sports titles that i'm not interested in. but i have managed to build a good collection of complete n64 games during it's life span. i have about 15, maybe more complete titles in box (some beat up because they're boxes instead of plastics) with manual. i have the original castlevania 64 with box and manual.

    i wanted to purchase a wii system, but held off because nintendo will probably release multi-colored wii's next year and will probably have a redesign of the system, like with the ds system. it is also for the company to have more support for software and it's online capabilities.
  9. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Software updates are sent via the internet so that's not really a worry, the only reason to wait with a wii if is you want a different colour or a DVD drive one, the early wiis don't support that, but I already have like 4 dvd players in this one room alone, so I didn't need that. :)
  10. ultra

    ultra Guest

    i don't really care if it did play dvd movies or not as it'll just be a basic dvd player, not a specialized dvd player where a specialized dvd player not only plays the movies but also remembers where you last seen the movie and can zoom and do other things. i'm basically waiting for more colors, sa they are the only company that offers. microsoft doesn't offer it and sony doesn't either, so.
  11. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Actually, the PS2 was available in different colours. They brought out a silver one, costing 10GBP more than the black one, and everyone rushed to sell their black one to buy a silver. The fact that they were identical in all respects except the shell colour was irrelevant. More recently, a pink PS2 has come out, although that might be UK/europe only. No mad rush to buy it yet :p
  12. Elru

    Elru Well-Known Member

    I fire up the ol' N64 from time to time to own all my friends in Golden Eye. 8)
  13. Chrono

    Chrono Guest

    N64 was my first console i was like 7 i got that starwars pod-racing game first and built my collection with SSB, Mario64, Starfox lylat wars, of course occarina of time, and to my shame a rugrats board game style game

    4/5 years a go i sold it when i got my game cube. untill now i never relised how much i missed it *weeps*
    so i'm getting an emulator yay emulator
  14. Relys

    Relys Well-Known Member

    The ps1 was my first system back in 2001ish... Don't get me wrong I was playing video games WAaaay before that.. On the PC and with Emulators!

    N64 was one of the greatist systems ever made.
  15. Prototype

    Prototype Well-Known Member

    Yeh, Im with Rom I also got my PS1 right about the same year as rom did, actually come to think of it, the ps1 was my first and ever console I ever had, then the PC came then the Xbox, now my PSP ;D ;D WII out of all this my PC rocks with super high quality graphics muahahaha :p :p
  16. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    my first system was my SNES, I got it for christmas shortly before the N64 came out. (took that long to persuade my parents). I got my N64 as a birthday present from a schoolfriend 4-5 years ago, and a PS2 as a joint christmas present with my sister within a couple of years of it being released.
  17. Relys

    Relys Well-Known Member

    Wow we DO have alot in common. ;D You meen to say you didint have a family computer before your ps1 or you didint have your OWN computer? I've never had a computer for my self. We're getting a new family one this summer and hopfully I will beable to get my OWN laptop. ;D That would WIIi ing rock!
  18. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    we've never had a family computer. I got my first PC (not counting a school provided laptop for doing work on) when I was 14-15, I nicked it out of the skip at school. The IT teacher found out and started giving me the schools' old machines on the premise of taking them to the skip; knowing fine well they weren't ending up in there :p I'd salvage the bits worth keeping and chuck the rest. My first real, new PC I built when I was 17, it cost £650 and after 18 months I built my current one for £2k. I sold my previous one to a friend to use as a server, but the first decent one I got from school (a K6-2 400Mhz) I still have :) What now passes as a 'family' computer (i.e my mum and dad use it) is another K6 I nicked from school. My sister has a laptop, and I have one at university. I use my desktop PC in preference though
  19. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Hmm, lets see I started gaming at the age of 3, had my own computer since I was 10 (not paid by me of course, but I was the sole user) Bought my own at the age of 14 (which I still have btw), cost me roughly $1800 USD. Then my parents split up and my dad bought a new one which I'm the sole user of, so I have 2 PCs and one laptop (IBM ThinkPad <3)
  20. Prototype

    Prototype Well-Known Member

    Well more like this My PS1 Was my first ever system that my mom bought still remember banging my head askin her I want a ps1, lol j/k, naww she bought me my 1rst and ever ps1 in early of 2001 and then later in 2001 she also bought my first family pc was a compaq 500mhz does were the shit back then, from there I started learning bout computers and computer modding on my own, I messed up my pc messing with my bios and then later went on and built my own pc with my own money cost me bout 1 gran gran in us dollas and then later bought a newer computer which is of last year that cost me 3 gran to this day Im still adding a whole lot of sh** to my comp making it more stronger ;D ;D and faster :p :p I also bought my psp, no more begging muahahaha, well unless Im short in money hehehe