I just got the red Wii for Christmas its running 4.3U. i just wanna know how to hack it. I dont know what to do at all, any help would be appreciated. If it helps at all, i have a 2GB SD card. If it cant be hacked, is there a way to put free WiiWare and channels on the SD card, then put them on my Wii.
Try this thread. - http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=35411 You'll need Brawl, Indiana Jones, or a Yugioh game to install the Homebrew Channel. After that, you can use Pimp My Wii and install cIOS'. And you can only install the Wiiware Wads and stuff if you have Homebrew. If you don't have the Homebrew Channel, then you can't install it.