I have basically decided to give up on my R4 Ultra SDHC card (it doesn't seem to work at all). I need recommendations for a good, reliable card from a trusted website. I am using a DS Lite and a 4gb micro sdhc card. I am not very experienced with this stuff so thanks
i recommend the supercard dstwo, it has gba, snes emulator and perfect compatibility with games. and also has some sort of bypass ap feature to play games later on with ap. the downside of this card is its price which ranges from 35-40 us dollars depending on the site if you want a cheap second choice, its the acekard 2i. this card with the akaio firmware is amazing, i can tell you this from personal experience. it has perfect compatibility with games and also has a bypass ap feature to play newer games that arent fixed yet. the downside of this card is that it lacks gba and snes emulator like supercard dstwo. but it is a great deal since its price ranges from 15-20 us dollars depending on the site a good site is this one: http://www.ishopvideogame.com/ and ive heard this site is pretty good too: http://www.lightake.com/
theres a snes emulator on acekard too. the only unique feature of the scds2 is the GBA emulator. Which isn't as good as a slot 2 flashcart.
really, does it work well, or is it really buggy. because supercard's is really good since it has the built in computer on it
Okay thanks for the help. So will the acekard 2i support my ds lite as well as a 4gb micro sdhc card?
Okay thanks also if anyone has any last suggestion for me regarding this thing: http://www.r4ds-ds.com/products/R4-Ultra-SDHC-R4-Revolution-For-DS-DSL-r4ultra.com--p-128.html then please let me know!!!
I would recommend an Acekard 2i personally. Mine has never died on me and the AKAIO firmware is getting better all of the time.
Last suggestion before I give up on it completely. Unfortunately I had no luck with YSMenu and AKAIO but thanks for the help.