Can any of you recommend a game for me? Age: 13 I like Fighting, RPGs, Strategys, Roaming and things along them lines! Thanx for helping in advanced! only games for NDS
Strategy: AOE: Age of Kings 8) RPG: Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Echoes of Time (long name!) Fighting: Bleach or Jump! Ultimate Stars (i think thats the name and by he way its a JPN game so you need an ENG patch) Roaming: GTA Chinatown Wars ;D Hope that helped!
1. final fantasy tactic advance 85%(gba) 2.golden sun 82%(gba) 3.onimusha tactic 78%(gba) 4.breath of fire 83%(gba) 5.earthbound 90%(snes) 6.megaman series 84%(gba) 7.harvest moon 88%(gba) i think there's more but that all i can help you.. 8)
You might like Luminous Arc 1 & 2. It's a strategy RPG. Also Final Fantasy III is a great RPG which you can customize people's jobs and is really a fun game.
A good strategy game that I highly recommend for the DS is Advanced Wars: Days of Ruin. If you have other friends that have this game, you can battle each other over Wifi Link.! he..he.. harvest moon island of happiness 87% harvest moon the rune factory 92% megaman star force 88% that's all..ouch..still hurts..sorry..
if you've not tryed them yet Final Fantasy III and IV are really fun to play (both remade in 3D) also try out Dragon Quest IV and V they both have very good story's and there about to release Dragon Quest VI in japan next January so that should also get a English release sometime mid-end next year (these 3 are remakes for the ds from the nes and snes) and Dragon Quest IX is currently out in japan so should get a English release soon (this is a brand new game), so try the ds port of chrono trigger another great game (i know I'm a square enix bitch but i love these games hehe) IMO try dragon quest game first really fun to play and these are all rpgs so they have a good length to them good couple of months on them
i recommend lost in blue 1,2,3. that game is way underrated it dont get the attention i think it deserves. also broken sword shadow of the templars the directors cut. and dementium the ward
LOL anyways i would choose Super Robot Taisen (suitable for 13 year olds? hmm) and Shin Megami Tensei Devil Summoner
Ahh cool thanx for all your help guys and 5STARINFERNO, isn't MK vs DC for ps3? i asked for ds lol but loads of people say FF but i got tired of the ds ones Thanx ill use these soon