I borrowed a PSP from a friend, and even though I already checked a good number of extensive lists of great games for the system, I'd enjoy some input from you guys. I'm looking more specificaly for action, action-adventure and music/rhythm games. No need no name me the big well-known ones, I know of the God of Wars, GTAs, Final Fantasies and Metal Gear Solids already! Gimme the Half-Minute Heroes, Gitaroo Men, Hatsune Miku and so on. Y'know, the underdogs! Awesome games that remained Japan-only are also cool. Stuff that's really pick up and play (think Lumines, OutRun 2006 or DS' Picross) is also highly appreciated. A friend recommended me Everyday Shooter, I'll look into it anytime soon... EDIT: Also, action games in the vein of God Hand, Viewtiful Joe or Bayonneta are REALLY HIGHLY appreciated!!
I really enjoy the Taiko games. And LocoRoco series. Is this PSP flashed? Or are you going to buy all of these games.
Yup, it's CFW. No way I could buy all those games, unfortunately. =/ Thanks for the reccomendations! I remember playing a bit of LocoRoco and really enjoying it, and I had forgotten that the PSP also had Taiko. Will get 'em! =D
Good! Those are pretty good! Also, try out the N64 emulator. http://forums.daedalusx64.com/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=2261
Resistance is pretty good, so is Jak & Daxter the Lost Frontier, Killzone Liberation is good too, and so are both MGS games.
Blazeblue-Clamity trigger Dbz- Shinbudokai 2 Dinasty Warroirs- Strikeforce Dungeon Maker 2 FF7 Crisis Core (Must play its 20 out of 10) Metal Slug Annivarsary The patapon games And Emu's Busy playing Rockband Unpluged and it looks good if you into GH type games
What did I do to deserve this my lord 1 and 2 are great They're called Holy Invasion of Privacy Badman in NA.
DJ Max if ur a hardcore rhythm fan... even i cant get through them... But youd need to be in korea to get it. ah who cares... theres also project diva if ur in japan... but ur not in both places so i still suggest DJ MAX cuz u can get it in america!!!