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Recommend Me Games

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by LuckyTrouble77, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    I've come to the conclusion that I've played every DS game worth playing up to this point. I haven't beaten too many of them, as really, most of the good ones still aren't good enough to warrant 10 to 15 hours of my life or more in a few cases. Basically, I just want you to recommend me games. Any genre. Any type of game.

    One condition; It has to be a good game.

    Games I do not enjoy:
    Farming simulators. Even Rune Factory is a no go for me.
    Life simulators. Animal Crossing is the extent of a life simulator that I can enjoy.
    Shovelware. Just keep that out of here.

  2. toffster92

    toffster92 Well-Known Member

    Have you tried the Shin Megami Tensei series? There's also the FF reboots and the Crystal Chronicles. The Dragon Quest series is good too, along with Chrono Trigger if you haven't played it (If you haven't... go play it NAO!). The Ace Attorney Series is good, and the Prof Layton series too.

    Can you give us a list of the games that you HAVE played so we can have a better grasp at what you are looking for?
  3. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Okay, games I've played (general):

    LoZ Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks
    FF Tactics A2 and FF XII Revenent Wings
    Professor Layton and the Curious Village + Some of Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box (the first burnt me out after I rushed through it)
    All Ace Attorney games
    All Dragon Quest games
    Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days + Nearly done with Re: Coded
    Chrono Trigger
    Plants vs Zombies (on going)
    Animal Crossing: Wild World (getting back into it)
    Ghost Trick (on going)
    Resident Evil: Deadly Silence
    All Mario games
    Metroid Prime Hunters
    Call of Duty: WaW
    James Bond 007: Goldeneye (on going)
    James Bond 007: Blood Stone (on going)
    Tales of Innocence
    Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story (FAVORITE DS GAME EVAH)
    Tons and tons of other stuff

    Games I played and didn't like:
    Shin Megami Tensei: Devil('s?) Survivor (or w/e it was) - I gave it a solid shot, I just lost interest after a few hours.
    TWEWY - I don't get why it is liked so much. For the life of me, I couldn't absorb myself into any aspect of it.

    Those are the only two I can think of that I have played and can truly say I didn't like. I have tons of games already though stored away and can get a complete list for both any time. I have played basically every major release to date and have strayed from games such as the Crystal Chronicles due to sub-par reviews from reviewers and people on this forum alike.

    Hope I helped some. I'm mainly hoping to find a true sleeper hit that I haven't played.
  4. Singularity_UK

    Singularity_UK Well-Known Member

    If you liked Ace Attorney, you should check out Hotel Dusk: Room 215. It's one of my favourite games on the DS.
  5. AnimeLovee

    AnimeLovee Well-Known Member

    Professor layton is the way to go. ;D
  6. NYman

    NYman Well-Known Member

    You're on!
  7. Ravte

    Ravte Well-Known Member

    Castlevania series
    Soma Bringer - diablo on DS.
    Advance Wars series
    Ninja Gaiden
    Jump Ultimate Stars
    GTA:Chinatown Wars
  8. koolenergy

    koolenergy Well-Known Member

    Golden Sun : Dark Dawn
    Avalon code
    7th Dragon
    Etrian Odyssey Series
    Lufia: Curse of the Sinistrals
    Wario Ware Series
    Jack Ass the Game <<Very Fun to play

    Ill edit once i recall some more
  9. Soluri

    Soluri Well-Known Member

    Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: Endless Frontier
  10. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    I hated TWEWY too.
  11. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    I've heard good things about that. I've been meaning to try it out. Thanks for the reminder.

    I'm not a person that can just pound down Professor Layton game after Professor Layton game. I still don't really feel like playing any since the Curious Village a few months ago.

    Played all Castlevania games on the DS, didn't beat Portrait of Ruin though. Had a hard time getting into it really. Strangely enough, it's the only one of the three DS ones I don't actually own.

    Went ahead and got Soma Bringer. I've been meaning to getting around to trying it.

    Advance Wars just isn't my cup of tea. I couldn't really get into it and was absolutely terrible at it.

    N+ down through GTA on that list I've either played tons of, or beaten already. Ninja Gaiden and GTA both got the pleasure of getting beaten while N+ was played as much as I could before I realized I just wasn't very good. Jump Ultimate Stars was one I played for a really long while and cleared tons of it. The supposedly 100% patch disappointed me though with the move and character selection thing (forgot the name by now) didn't have its graphics translated. Made "deck" building hard if you didn't retain everything from the tutorial.

    Disgaea was one that can go on the "did not like" list. Maybe it was just too involved, maybe it was just because it was a strategy RPG, I dunno. I just didn't like it very much.

    Just beat GS:DD today. Have almost beaten all the extra dungeons already too. Crossbone is the last extra dungeon I have left.

    999 I'll have to get back to eventually. I started playing it on my computer and made myself bored of it about halfway through my first play through of it. I was interested in what I had played so far, just one day, I stopped feeling like picking it up.

    Avalon Code gets a pass for now, as it just doesn't seem all that interesting to me. Maybe my mind will be changed eventually. For now though, I'm gonna hold off on it.

    7th Dragon gets a pass primarily due to the fact that it's still almost completely Japanese. I need at least a 90% translation patch, or a very simplistic games (ie: Pokemon) to be willing to play a Japanese release.

    Etrian Odyssey was meh to me and and way the camera turned actually gave me mild motion sickness.

    Lufia was one I played a lot of. Didn't beat it, don't know if I will. It was fun, but it wasn't fantastic. I just kind of got bored of it after awhile. That RPG overflow feeling gets to me every once in awhile when it comes to most DS games.

    I tried D.I.Y, but I had forgotten about Touched. I'll give the latter one a go, as I really enjoy the micro game thing. I just had a hard time getting into D.I.Y. Without good reason, I wasn't going to have a 32mb save file either.

    Jack Ass the Game was one I previewed a bit and wasn't all that impressed with. It just sort of looks like the same thing over and over again. Maybe if I get really bored one day, I'll give it a go. For now though, it gets a pass.

    Meh. That game is pretty much 99% fan service and not a whole lot else. I've heard nothing impressive in the least about that game. Pass.
  12. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    I disagree. The battle system is quite interesting, and worth trying by itself.
    Also, the writing is good, surprisingly.
    The fan service is rampant, but ah well.
  13. darky000

    darky000 Well-Known Member

    ^Too rampant that the story is forgettable after you end it. The battle system was what kept me going though... it's very addictive that I end the game with only that in mind. Trying to get the best combo available. It was fun playing fanservice game. Without it the story will be hammered down greatly for sure.

    Have you tried Infinite Space? The story and customization is really great but the battle system takes a toll to most gamers I know yet I liked the way it was made with minor annoyances, perhaps it's because of technical limitations. This is an underrated game that you will surely love that comes with 2 books in one game (story when he was a child and when he was a grown up). Took me about 45+ hrs. gametime.

    Just a note: there is no story log so you better pay attention to where you should go next or write it down if you are forgetful.
  14. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    I gave Infinite Space a go awhile back when it first got dumped. I played it for a few hours, learning the ins and outs of how the game and battles play out. Ultimately, I found it to be too...well, under explained for what was there. The game just sort of tossed you out there with only minor help on purchasing, upgrading, and properly manning ships for a combat situation.
  15. Asteroth

    Asteroth Active Member

    Try Tony Hawk American Sk8Land and Proving Grounds. Even if you not interested in skateboarding, these games are very addictive.
  16. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I was going to recommend Fire Emblem, but if you don't like Advance Wars, then I don't think you'll like FE either...
  17. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    I played some of FE6 (translated of course) on my GBA emulator. I didn't mind it as much for one reason or another. I ended up giving up about four or five missions in due to sucking at the game though.
  18. darky000

    darky000 Well-Known Member

    With your replies I think you need a serious RPG. Stay away from DS and play some on PS3/PS2/XBOX 360 RPG's. :D

    RPG's in DS lack some serious content. No huge cities to explore, lack of customization (equips and items), less rewarding on events, poor special fx and/or more. Only a few ds games have I actually ended.

    True. You could try to be patient and learn it the hard way. It only takes a small portion of sacrifice. :p
  19. koolenergy

    koolenergy Well-Known Member

    ^ Agree what to what he said i for one em getting bored with my ds due to playing most of the games
    have a change of phase and go for a different console :))
  20. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    You must play a fuckload of games if you've actually run out f worthy DS games to play.
    I have the 'issue' of having to choose between two amazing/great games to play next.