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Reasons to love your DS

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by kamage, Mar 30, 2008.

  1. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    Okay, this is basically a list of reasons to love your DS, Completely literal, Rules:No rules, just post reasons to love your DS

    1. You can read books on your DS ;D seriously, on R4, it reads .txt files perfectly, and there are entire stories available for download 8)
  2. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    i did but my mic broke and now i can't play bomberman land touch

    i love it because when my mp3 player runs out of battery i can use my ds
  3. mczack26

    mczack26 Member

    I like my DS because it always just works and does everything i want it to do. It runs linux, I mean thats just ultimate!
  4. Warren_303

    Warren_303 Well-Known Member

    I love my DS because it has become my multimedia device that I use daily.

    I can play multiple games such as DS, GBA, GBC, SNES, NES, homebrew DS Doom.
    I can watch movies, listen to MP3's, view txt files, view pictures.

    Also I can use it to browse the internet, not too bad but it works better than my phone. :p
  5. PhatomKids

    PhatomKids Well-Known Member

    I love my ds because I LOVE IT
  6. airsoft1117

    airsoft1117 Well-Known Member

    Did you know that in addition to it playing both video and audio it can play games!
  7. Warren_303

    Warren_303 Well-Known Member


    Weird ...how did you do it?
  8. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Please tell me you're joking :p

    I love my DS because you can learn guitar chords, read tabs and you can have music, images and videos on it! And because it's so SHINY and sexy. I sound weird..
  9. Warren_303

    Warren_303 Well-Known Member

    Oh I totally forgot about tabbed. I forgot to add it again since I have a new cart.
  10. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    My DS Isn't shiny... but it is sexy in it's own personal thing... I wouln't date it though... You gusy know what I mean, Also:

    They have the Pokemon RPG's on it :)
  11. joshthesim

    joshthesim Active Member

    Oh my, Such a nerdy thread..
  12. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    yeah, i love (loved) my DS because it gave me something to do when threads went south and decreased in quality to an almost unbearable level.....

    Perfect example supplied:
  13. jakenero10

    jakenero10 Well-Known Member

    Its cute, Portable and Interactive.The touch screen is nice and Classic games for a low cost, good thing though that i bought an R4 for my NDS, it's multimedia features is awesome!!!! i just can't resist it.
  14. sir spamalot

    sir spamalot Well-Known Member

    i like it because people who sit next to me with the all powerful PSP's have to move near a wall socket after a few minutes while i can just play the day away :D

    with my headphones on, of course, so i can't hear them chatting about how much better their psp is
  15. einherjar

    einherjar Well-Known Member

    I love my DS because we're married
  16. joshthesim

    joshthesim Active Member

    Hahaha, that's too good!

    Einherjar wins the award for call of the day.

    (the award doesn't actually exist, sorry)
  17. msmaster

    msmaster New Member

    The Games, I prefer it over the PSP. I'm not hating on the PSP, I have a PSP too.
  18. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    The ds is cool and all but i like his friend Supper Card better. It saves me the "cha-chingage"
  19. th3echelon89

    th3echelon89 Well-Known Member

    I love my ds because shooting games are good! Especially Metroid Prime Hunters, Brothers In Arms, Call Of Duty and Splinter Cell, I love those games. And My ds plays music, changes Themes, plays videos, plays super cool games! Yeah I'm in-love with my DS.