the reason im trying to find what firmwares work on the DSTwo is to learn what games could possibly work for that firmware, i understand, yes im running a DSTwo flashcart but my friends don't have one, so i want to test the games out before getting them the games, so i don't have to worry about the games not working on the latest firmware for the card im testing, so if anyone else knows of firmware that might work with the DSTwo or even has a plugin for it, i will test it and be very grateful for it {Firmware Tested} 1. Wood R4 DS2 plugin (original R4 firmware): will not work with anything higher than a 2gb micro SD cards 2. YSMenu: will load into the menu but cannot load anything else (DLDI-not patched right) 3. Wood R4 DS2 plugin (clone R4 firmware): will not load period, it gives two white screens on boot 4. Acekard: will load, but when trying to load a game, it will white screen (possible DLDI-patch fix?) ~~~~~~~~~~~~ {Firmware to test} ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. M3 2. Cyclo 3. Edge 4. DSTT 6. R4 Clones if i missed any, please feel free to add to this testing list ok, i really would love to hear from tech savvy people Edit: ok, so far, from the testing me & my girl has put into this, it seems some of the firmware of other cards can be loaded onto Supercard, but they need additional patching, so we are trying to make a work-around plugin that can do the same thing as the wood R4 plugin can do but really, i would love to get some tech-savvy people together to see what we could pull from doing something like this
i think wood can be dual booted from dstwo. but why do you want this? dstwo has perfect compatibility