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Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by SW4J, Dec 16, 2010.

  1. SW4J

    SW4J Active Member

    Hey guys,

    As some of you may have seen in my other topic I had an interesting experience ordering my DSTWO. I did receive it yesterday and immediately tried it out. While the lack of direction was a little confusing and took some trial and error I was able to get my GBA, SNES, and DS ROMs to work. There were however some...issues that I was hoping you guys might be able to help me resolve?

    First of all, when I turn the DS on, the box at the top that normally displays the name of the DS cart in the machine, and even in the case of my old Cycloevolution displayed the name of the cart, I see the name and image of "Fishing Tycoon". I in no way have that ROM. Is that an indicator that it's fake? The card does work fine (plays Sonic Colors and GS:DD without issue) besides that image issue, though I find it's a little bit of a tighter fit in my DSL compared to my old Cycloevolution, though that could just be my imagination. In addition the "spring mechanism" for putting the microDS card into the flashcart is a little awkward, compared to (again) my old cyclo which just had you slide it in. Is this normal for all DSTWO?

    Also on a technical issue, I have multiple save states on my SNES games from the Cyclo...is it possible to use these on my DSTWO, or do they save them in different formats or something? I've tried putting them both in the main SNES ROM folder, as well as in the RTS folder and no luck there. Also unfortunately Super Mario RPG still doesn't work on this (it doesn't get past the file select in-game), so I'm guessing it still can't be emulated on this?

    Sorry for the long post, and thanks for your help.
  2. Joseg1320

    Joseg1320 Well-Known Member

    Take a look at this video, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edxSM59VkJk

    The DSTWO, like other flashcarts, doesn't display the name of the cart, I think this is so that it isn't recognized as a flashcart, not sure. The Acekard also does this, it shows up as Alex Rider Stormbreaker THQ.

    The DSTWO isn't the same cart as a Cyclo, so don't expect it to be the exact same thing.
  3. SW4J

    SW4J Active Member

    Awesome, thanks. Huge relief. I didn't think someone would actually youtube something like this. I did expect certain differences from the cyclo, but it was my first, and until now, only cart, so I wasn't sure what was "normal" or not.
  4. verack

    verack Active Member

    All the stuff you described are legit for a DSTwo. It should appear as fish tycoon, as that allows the cart to avoid being blocked. It's also normal for the DSTwo to be a bit tight compared to other carts; that's due to the CPU and Ram. lastly, it's perfectly normal for the spring to be a bit awkward. The easiest way to get the SD card out is to give a very slight twist to the SD card, and it should come right out (be sure to be gentle).

    Anyway, you have a real DSTwo, so there's nothing to worry about.
  5. SW4J

    SW4J Active Member

    Awesome, thanks. Any idea if it's possible to use the savestates from my cyclo in the DSTWO? And sorry for the extremely newbie questions.
  6. Joseg1320

    Joseg1320 Well-Known Member

    Is it a .sav file? If so, you probably can, just drag it into the folder you put your .nds in
  7. SW4J

    SW4J Active Member

    Unfortunately no, it saved the savestates as .sm# where # = which savestate slot it took. I'm guessing they're just lost.
  8. Joseg1320

    Joseg1320 Well-Known Member

    Can't you load the savestate for the whichever game you want on your Cyclo, then save regularly to create a .sav file, then transfer that one to your DSTWO?
  9. asdfth12

    asdfth12 Well-Known Member

    I think i remember seeing a save state converter somewere. It ws site based. But then again, this was before the DSTwo came out so it might not support converting to DSTwo format.
  10. Joseg1320

    Joseg1320 Well-Known Member

    There's this site, but it's for .sav files, not save states.

  11. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    The save states you speak of are for an SNES emulator that has zero cross compatibility with the DSTwo emulator. In short, those save states are useless.
  12. SW4J

    SW4J Active Member

    That's what I was afraid of, time to take Joseg's advice into action! Thanks for the help, all.