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Re: Suggestion

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by nbadell, Aug 18, 2008.

  1. nbadell

    nbadell Well-Known Member

    this is for people who dont have alot a points, but lots of friends
    I've told about 18 of my friends about this site, and know they all( most of them) have their own account. I not trying to be a ahole, or a pesk, but dont u think that there should be this new system where you can earn( atleas 100-200 points a pluck) for each person you recommended this site to?? I've seen this at other sites, thats why im bringing this up.
  2. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    it sounds like an okay idea except that people might abuse this to get more points. (like create multiple accounts)

    if this were to work, the way to do it would be to log the ip when you create a new account, limiting it to maybe two accounts total (in case you have more than one person per household that goes on here).
  3. monter

    monter Guest

    If you do log the ips you do know someone could go to a public computer and creat two accounts or something.
  4. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Loony and I talked about this last week and we intend to implement a system that won't allow abuse but will still allow people to earn some extra points.
  5. nbadell

    nbadell Well-Known Member

    I considered that to, but think about the people who want to download big iso files without paying or waiting for points, they just make another profile and use the point over , and this keps happining untill they get all the files they want.
    long story short, there are people who already do that.
  6. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    seriously? people are THAT horrible?

    I know people make multiple accounts, but with an IP account limit, that should lessen the degree.
  7. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    the majority of people have dynamic IPs...
  8. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Yes. I guess this suggestion is similar to referals, like on get rich sites.
  9. nbadell

    nbadell Well-Known Member

    yea, me and my friend derick got into a argue today because i told him to stop making extra accounts, he said he wasnt going to stop untill he got every psx rom that he wanted :-\ so I did you guys a fav... a top secret fav that would probably send derick to my house screaming if he read this...I made his pc srash... yea it was by accident, but he kinda desearved it lol, ontop of that, he thinks his cat did it lmao
  10. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    We will very soon start focusing more on admin features instead of user features, one of these will allow us to actively ban people who try to create multiple accounts to get extra points.