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Re: Game Comments - Last Warning

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by gobblegack, Jun 21, 2009.

  1. gobblegack

    gobblegack Guest

    Seph and team,

    may I suggest that you write a last comment at the end of the threat above that it is closed? I just submitted a longer post that got rejected into nirvana with the message "thread closed". Would be good to know that in advance...

    My brief solution/suggestion for the issue was to integrate a routine into the system to allow single nerds to be restricted from making comments (not too costly) after a warning instead of banning them completely. The cleaning forums issue is as old as the net and maybe only Digg found a proper solution to that. But the soft migration would be too expensive for RomU.

    Good luck and THX btw for being good sports
  2. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Digg has an audience where it would work, most people would vote up the comments because they find it funny. A community vote works great if you have an audience that thinks alike, but it doesn't work too well if you have many different segments with different opinions and morals, in this latest case the teenagers might have found it funny to make lewd comments about Hannah Montana, but the mothers and children on the site certainly didn't. So I fear it wouldn't work very well on RomUlation.

    As for the locked post, I did that just now, and will make sure people can't submit at all in the next update, sorry your work got lost.
  3. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    Bit off-topic: To clarify, is it helpful to you guys for users to report bad game comments on the forum?
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    at the current time, yes.
  5. newyears1978

    newyears1978 Member

    Man I really hope something is done about the comment problem..I was very please when I saw the Last Warning post, but yet every day I click on the new release ROMS and am bombarded with "what is this?" "is it good?" "how come I can't run it" etc etc..

    It's quite annoying. Luckily I appreciate the caliber of this awesome website..and know how to just google a game I want to learn about rather than read comments.. but seriously..it's almost as if comments need to just be removed altogether.
  6. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    Well, its gotten to the point that all of the moderators have the ability to delete comments now. We just need to get into the swing of it and we'll be good. =/
  7. newyears1978

    newyears1978 Member

    I can definately appreciate the effort..it would be very hard to keep those comments at bay..there are just way too many..and mostly unproductive..
  8. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    It's not so much keeping an eye on new ones it's going through the 29,000 previous ones that's going to be fun.
  9. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Oh god. Would it be easier to just wipe all comments and have everyone start over? What could be SO useful in their feedback that it should justify staying there?
    What about a comment approval system? I'm sure that would be easily managed with the number of mods here.
  10. newyears1978

    newyears1978 Member

    I agree...however..all the ones I am looking at are ALL new releases..and they look like they aren't being monitored at all. I am not complaining..or saying the Staff isn't donig a good job...I just think people need to learn to follow rules..just now for instance..look at the comments from a new release:

    Not one useful or appropriate comment in there..


    I think the comment approval system is a good idea..although that would be a lot of work..maybe if people start getting banned or punished they might start reading the Rules about comments.
  11. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Err, maybe you expect a few too many comments to be deleted, we're not saying people have to write an entire review, saying a game is "abot" baseball isn't going to be deleted.
  12. newyears1978

    newyears1978 Member

    I was just going off the Last Warning ruleset..if you go strictly by it..most all of the comments would be deleted.. ah well. I will just ignore the comments section..

    I see the Last Comment warning though sorta as a parent who says, don't <insert something here> or I will spank you..then when they do it..they don't spank them :)

    No big deal really..just sharing my opinion.