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Re: Blue Dragon Awakened Shadow

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by shackol101, May 28, 2010.

  1. shackol101

    shackol101 Active Member

    Where can I find the Moon key the machine said I can find it in forgotten underground garden, Where is that place?
  2. dja

    dja Active Member

    just go to neo jibral castle.there will be an earth queke..,
    then speak to king jibral.,
    he will want you to search ne jibral underpass.
    after you finish that quest,head just outside the castle there will be another scene,and a new quest.
    finish that quest and you will find the moon key.

    hope this help.
  3. johnnyviews89

    johnnyviews89 Member

    Hello, I have gotten all of the color keys to opening the otherworld doors, except for the green key, does anyone know where I can find the green key?
  4. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Perhaps you have to use one of the keys in order to get the green key?
  5. johnnyviews89

    johnnyviews89 Member

    I dont think so I've cleared out all of the dungeons several times, and beated the game :( but I have blue, red, yellow, but the green one is the one Im desperate to find lol. I found out most otherworld dungeons don't contain other otherworld keys(red,blue,yellow,green). The keys are through out the cubes that you would normally go to.
  6. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Well, to be honest with you I haven't touched that game.

    I'll patch it and see what it's like.
  7. johnnyviews89

    johnnyviews89 Member

    Nevermind I went through gamespot and they located it already lol. Green Key is found on floor 9 of the sky labyrinth.
  8. exdeathrommes

    exdeathrommes New Member

    were can i find the blue key
  9. johnnyviews89

    johnnyviews89 Member

    This Information is for Key Locations/Chest Information/ Drop Information

    The Blue Key, you would have to go through the storyline. I dont remember the exact location of the color keys are at, but I know the cubes, so you have to keep an eye out. 5 Keys: Black,Red, Blue, Yellow, Green:
    Sky Labyrinth = Green key floor 9
    New World = Cant remember what color
    Atomic Cube = Cant remember what color
    Jibral Hollow Garden = Cant remember what color

    Additional Information: Most Otherworld Keys are always in Red Chests. Red Chests(Unique) are 1 time open only, meaning if you open it the chest will be empty and opened. Green Chests(Rare) are usually important items for combining weapons/armor/helmets, quests, Destroy seeds, etc... One time opened only. Brown Chests(Regular) are just regular items that you need to get through the game such as: Armor, Weapons, Hp items, MP items, etc... Brown chests can be opened as many times as you want after you enter/leave a cube/area, and you can always get the same things.

    I want is a list of loots and drops, monsters drop because sometimes it is very annoying going through cubes several times and find out those monsters dont drop what you want. Monsters drops are like any rpg: Unique, Rare, Regular. Unique being 10% chance of drop, Rare is 35% chance of drop, and regular is 100% chance of drop.

    Hope This Helps ;).
  10. arunzwarrior

    arunzwarrior New Member

    u can find it in neo jibral underground before going there u should complete 3 cubes and go to kings chamber u will see earthquakes and king will call u ti investigate it and just find it
  11. triemie

    triemie Well-Known Member

    whats actually the deal with giving destroy seeds what wiill happen if you do that
  12. doopypeanut

    doopypeanut New Member

    -black: it's in the atomic cube/ area 9
    -red: is in the sanctuary, right before the last slavery where you need to activate the crystals
    -blue: in the new worl in the first vulcano area (or second)
    -yellow: in the clockwork castle /4 east
    -green: in sky labyrinth 9

    that's the real location of all the keys. anubis from gamefaqs posted it up a while ago.
  13. M.AzaryPika3172

    M.AzaryPika3172 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for information! :D