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Rayman PSX Ubi Soft logo freeze

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by sukka, Dec 26, 2008.

  1. sukka

    sukka New Member

    I have downloaded several Rayman images and burnt them on CDs so I could play them on my modded Playstation console. Every time I try to play the game it happens to freeze when the Ubi Soft logo pops up. Every other game I've tried works just fine. Does the working version of Rayman ISO even exist?
  2. calmcc

    calmcc Guest


    Did you download the game from Romulation? Anywhere else & they can't double-check to see if they are corrupt, like you say.

    In any case, first step would be to test the rom on an emulator to see if it even runs properly. If everything is running properly, it could be because of how you burned the game. While it's true that (depending on the media you use) burning software will default the writing speed to the lowest that is safe for the media (in my case, a TDK 80m CD brand had a "safe" writing speed of 10x...), it's pretty useless for properly burning PSX backups. Try using a different burning software if you can't force your burning program to burn the game at 1x (yes, 1x. It's the safest and recommended speed; 2x if you're feeling lucky) and use good media (not the dodgy stuff that you can buy inexpensively; get something good like top shelf TDK or Verbatim).

    I recently tried to backup an original, then I burned it to to disc at 10x, then tried to play it...no go. I tried again, this time after I burned at 1x & there were no problems whatsoever. Give that a try & if that still isn't working it could well be your copy of Rayman; I believe that Romulation have that particular game, so have a search for it.

    Hope that helps.
  3. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    It most likely wouldn't be the image that is the problem, only when it is burnt that would be the case. But yes, always burn it at the lowest speed possible, it ensures the image is not rushed when being burned, and carefully does so. Never choose CD brands which have been reprinted over (you can tell by holding the CD in the light, if it has another label printed under it).
  4. weterr123

    weterr123 Active Member

    This is a problem for psp modders as well, Rayman for PSX just freezes at ubisoft regardless of which file format is used or converted (ie: rom, iso, cso, bin, ecm, img etc etc). HOWEVER, I HAVE SOLVED THE PROBLEM!! The key lies in the CUE file (you know, that tiny 3KB file that you get with a BIN or IMG file). So for PSP Users (on CFW of course), you must use the popstation program and open the CUE file, NOT THE BIN. You will need to have popsloader enabled too. For PC users, probably using ePSXe, OR burning to disc for PSone, the instruction is essentially the same. For ePSXe, convert the ISO using the CUE file, then from that, extract the ISO back. (Sounds pointless and backwards but just trust me). To Burn to disc, burn the CUE file. The reason for all this, is that most PSone games operate on multitracks (gameplay, bgm and SFX), the CUE file, even though it is tiny, holds this information. You will notice, if you google it, that many people are complaining and whinging about "defective" or "incomplete" roms or isos, and the problem is mostly the bgm. So, thank you and good luck!!
  5. Luis_1994

    Luis_1994 Member

    Can you help man? idk what you mean by converting the iso using the cue file....im not really sure i know much bout it because im just not that good with computers...i have the ePSXe 1.7.0 and i can't get the Rayman bin file to work...mind helping me out a bit more?
  6. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Did you get the same problem like OP?
    If yes, try running the game using 'Run CDROM' function through CD or virtual drive.
  7. Luis_1994

    Luis_1994 Member

    OP??? dude i am sooo sorry but im a noob wen it comes to all this stuff...i dont even know wat a virtual drive is
  8. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member

    Does the same thing on epsxe. Maybe some early additional AP? Runs good on psX 1.13 sans some music.
  9. Luis_1994

    Luis_1994 Member

    so can you help me out? do you know what you are doing? have u figured out how to fixed my problem?
  10. weterr123

    weterr123 Active Member

    OK. let's say you download Rayman from Romulation. It will download as a .rar file, of which when extracted should contain either;

    BIN and CUE



    Now, essentially you could class the .rar file as an ISO, as an ISO explorer/reader can read it (UMDGEN 4.00 is a good program, can use it to eplore and patch PSP ISO's).
    I don't know if epsxe can read .rar files, you should try that before going further. If that fails then you should get an ISO explorer, open the .rar with it, which will then display the files inside. Then just save it as a .ISO file, as long as the CUE file was there, it should be fine.
  11. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    OP means Original Poster or the first post on the thread.

    Read this for more information about Virtual Drive.
    Google for Daemon tools, install it, mount the Rayman disk image(.img, .mds, etc), and then direct your ePSXe cdrom letter to the virtual drive, where the disk image was mounted before, and then run the game using the 'Run CDROM' function.
  12. Luis_1994

    Luis_1994 Member

    whats the iso explorer?
    Post Merge: [time]1278557437[/time]
    what iso explorer?
  13. weterr123

    weterr123 Active Member

    Any program that can read ISO files. I would say that Adobe Reader is a pdf explorer, as it can read pdf's. Google UMDGen 4.00, that will work.
  14. Luis_1994

    Luis_1994 Member

    lol you know what dude, i am 100% sure that you know what you're talking bout...but i dont...it got too complicated so nvm thanx though
  15. weterr123

    weterr123 Active Member

    Dude.... this is as simple as it gets: download UMDGen 4.00. download rayman (should be in .rar format. open th .rar archive with UMDGen. save file as .ISO - that's it
  16. Luis_1994

    Luis_1994 Member

    it freezes once i try to open up the rar file...do I keep trying? or is there something im supposed to do? like extract the rar file first or no?
  17. weterr123

    weterr123 Active Member

    Best thing to do is borrow the disc, create a BIN and Cue from it using the program PowerISO. Use popstation to create the EBOOT.PBP
