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Rating system and Avatar Gallery

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by chuakid, Oct 20, 2009.

  1. chuakid

    chuakid New Member

    I have 2 Suggestions

    1. The comment rating system will allow people to rate other people's comments,one can choose to see comments that are high rating or low rating.

    2.Avatar Gallery will allow people that are lazy,have no time or dont know how to create an Avatar to choose an Avatar from the gallery.
  2. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    1.Ethier people would over look the option to rate, or they will get abused ie friends of the person who commented...say..


    And the game in question is resident evil...people who laugh or friends of the poster would rate it up.

    Thus while good in therory-people won't be as good-many can't behave themselves :(

    2.It's up to the user's job to find avatars.

    I once suggested having the ability to upload from your pc-that would need various site changes just to get running-as well as technical issues.

    ...as well as they never saw the need.

    Also...I have found out that there is pre-determined pics to use already (avatar-there is an option there-not many but...I see an actors listing-bruce willis anyone XD

    To find these...

    profile-leave out personalised pic-actors or musicans -that's it-anymore might take much needed rom space XD
  3. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    we do not want people uploading anything to our servers for security reasons.