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Rate My Team: UU

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by insanecrazy07, Apr 8, 2010.

  1. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I would have put this up on one of the other Pokemon battling sites, but I'm not willing to go through the whole entire threatlist just to post up a starter set.

    I'm not looking for a wall of text in-depth analysis, but just a few tips and things to watch out for in UU competitive play.
    I picked these from smogon obviously, but more importantly, from the comments and picked the recommended partners for defensive synergy. I plan on wearing down any counters for my two main sweepers, Venusaur and Moltres, and then proceed to sweep from there. I like my pokemon to be bulky, yet a threat if left alone. I tend to switch often, being able to resist attacks, survive, and retaliate. All of these setups are from smogon, so I'm not going to reiterate what their comments were on here. I will however, repost the setup here so it is convenient, as well as show the choices that I've made over their primary choices.

    Right now, I'm having trouble with finding a decent lead.

    So far this is what I've come up with.

    Steelix "Physical Wall"
    Leftovers, Sturdy, Sassy
    252 HP, 6 Atk, 252 SpD
    ~Stealth Rock
    ~Stone Edge
    ~Toxic or Roar (not Explosion)

    I figured I would forgo the whole suicide lead concept, since all it does mostly is set up rocks and die. This, I plan on playing a little differently, expecting their lead to either set up rocks, taunt or encore, in which case I would either use Stone Edge or Earthquake, depending on what I'm dealing with.

    Hitmontop "Rapid Spin + Foresight"
    Leftovers, Intimidate, Adamant
    252 HP, 252 Atk, 6 Def
    ~Rapid Spin
    ~Close Combat
    Either Sucker Punch or Stone Edge (I'm not a fan of Rest in this case)

    It's quite obvious what this one is for. Rapid Spinning rocks away, as well as being able to spin against ghosts. I just might run Sucker Punch to protect against Psychic types since they'll see a fighting type and go, "Oooooh, I'mma use Psychic type!" I've got enough Stone Edgers anyway.

    Dugtrio "Revenge Killer"
    Life Orb, Arena Trap, Jolly
    6 HP, 252 Atk, 252 Spe
    ~Night Slash
    ~Stone Edge

    I know Substitute is useful, but I might find difficulty actually pulling it off. I tend to make a substitute, but it breaks on the same turn by their attack. I chose Night Slash over Sucker Punch because Sucker Punch requires that the opposing pokemon attacks. It ruins the surprise if they don't attack. The other two options, Aerial Ace and Pursuit are mediocre. Pursuit's doubled power won't work since Arena Trap traps them anyway. The only time it might work is from a Shed Shell, but the ones that normally hold those aren't weak to Pursuit.

    Milotic "Bulky Water"
    Leftovers, Marvel Scale, Bold
    248 HP, 252 Def, 10 Spe
    ~Hidden Power Grass
    ~Ice Beam

    I know this is in no particular order, but I will use Milotic to draw out Electric types and then trap them with Dugtrio, nullifying the incoming electric attack. I thought about Haze over Ice Beam, but besides shaky accuracy from Stone Edges, I have no real counter against flying types. I also thought about a SleepTalk set, but I hate running only 2 viable attacks, because that means less coverage, and also, less of a threat to opposing pokemon.

    Venusaur "Physical Sweeper"
    Life Orb, Overgrow, Jolly
    252 Atk, 6 Def, 252 Spe
    ~Swords Dance
    ~Sleep Powder
    ~Power Whip

    I picked Return over Earthquake since most of my pokemon can deal with steel types, and I have a few Rock checks as well.

    Moltres "Special Sweeper"
    Life Orb, Pressure, Timid
    252 SpA, 6 SpD, 252 Spe
    ~Fire Blast
    ~Air Slash
    ~Hidden Power Grass

    I always choose speed over power, and accuracy over power, but Fire Blast in this case is a better option, especially with rocks. I just might be able to net a few OHKOs with Fire Blast, whereas Flamethrower would not. I chose Hitmontop for a reason to get rid of Stealth Rock, while Venusaur can handle the bulky waters. This will most likely be the main attraction, having everyone else built around Moltres. Not many people run two Spikers or two Stealth Rockers, so this beast will be unleashed after the threat is eliminated.

    I know I don't really have a great Slowbro counter, even with Venusaur and Milotic's HP Grass. I just might use Pursuit on Dugtrio if I can't find anything else to counter it.

    *Note: I'll add pictures and all that when I'm completely satisfied with my team.

    Oh, and thanks for any useful comments.