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Rate my Pokemon Platinum team?

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by bobobob1, Nov 28, 2010.

  1. bobobob1

    bobobob1 Well-Known Member

    Tell me if this is good and balanced...and if not, give some suggestions please!


    Yeah, that last spot, Luxray, Jolteon, Leafeon, and Torterra are competing. Some help please?
  2. Ryder5000

    Ryder5000 Member

    Woah this team is great,IMO you can use Torterra if you want.

    If you need a electric type use Luxray and if you need grass type use Torterra!.

    Both Leafeon and Jolteon have high speed but they lack defence and SP.ATK

    Torterra has great SP.DEF and good attack power but its slow.

    Luxray has nice defence,good attack power and a nice speed but it lack SP.Defence and SP.ATK,I guess
  3. garg_priyansh

    garg_priyansh Well-Known Member

    Your team is great.I'll give it 8/10
    I think your 6th pokemon should be Luxray.
  4. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    What moves do they know??
  5. sexywogboy

    sexywogboy Well-Known Member

    You've got three Steel Pokemon there. So you won't be having much fun against Fighting, Ground and Fire Pokemon.

    I'd probably use either of the Grass Pokemon considering you're going to have an issue against Ground types. I'd look to possibly Torterra just because he's a bit more of a tank than Leafeon is.

    I rate the team about 4/10. I know it sounds harsh, but even if you got those Pokemon battling to the best of their ability you'd have a lot of troubles battling competitively. Try and stick with one Steel Pokemon there, either Metagross or Lucario. Empoleon is a waste of space in my opinion.
  6. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Depends what you're using this team for, dude. Competitively speaking it's pretty average.

    Jolteon will give you more coverage against Water types, which you're going to need. It's fast and hits crazy hard. Metagross is pretty average overall - I personally don't use it (but that's just my playstyle). If you gave it a Choice Band and Bullet Punch/Meteor Mash you'd probably get some decent attacks out of it.
  7. Ryder5000

    Ryder5000 Member

    Oh yah you need to knock out lucario,Metagross is the most suitable pokemon instead of it because its half psychic so you have advantage against fighting types,its ability levitate gives you advantage against ground types.And for fire types you should teach metagross earthquake its very strong move it kills a fire type easily!
  8. bobobob1

    bobobob1 Well-Known Member

    Empoleon's Water moves would take out fire and ground. Metagross's Psychic moves would take out fighting.
    Lucario, well, I'll just choose to not use him against those types.

    Does anyone have suggestions for replacements? And Raysie if I take out Empoleon who do I replace it with?
  9. drybones41

    drybones41 Well-Known Member

    For the 6th use leafeon, torterra is slow and can be knocked out easily by ice moves and so can your garchomp but garchomp if raised properly should be faster than most pokemon. Learn leafeon leaf blade. Judging by your team you seem like an offensive player, you could replace empoleon for blissey which can take special attacks very well and it has high hp. It can heal itself and can heal pokemon outside of battle. Blissey can be countered by any that has a physical move, so defense curl is a must.
  10. sexywogboy

    sexywogboy Well-Known Member

    A Bold natured Vaporeon.
  11. biomonkxl

    biomonkxl Well-Known Member

    You're going to have to list the EVs, IVs, and Nature for a full review but other than that great team.

    Oh and I prefer Jolteon. I love my baton passer.
  12. bobobob1

    bobobob1 Well-Known Member

    Guys this isn't my team right now...I'm looking for a good in-game team for the journey. Your advice was all great! I'll remember it when I start battling competitively...but what if I had this same team for the in game play, but replaced Metagross with say, Alakazam or Mew or Mewtwo?
  13. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    add please movesets and the ev's and which item and gender your pokes are, if you want a decent RMT
  14. fabgassie11

    fabgassie11 Member

    I've always been a great fan of Alakazam, so he'll be a good choice until you'll get your hands on Mewtwo. Mew is pretty hard to get, and not that good if you don't have thought of a specific way how you want to use it. Alakazam had very low defenses, so even using Recover won't really help, you'll just have to use brutally stong attacks. Mewtwo is both better at defending and at attacking than Alakazam is, so use Alakazam until you'll get a Mewtwo (unless you want to battle online, then you should train Mewtwo for that specific reason).
    Think this will help?
  15. drybones41

    drybones41 Well-Known Member

    Well metagross kills, so does mewtwo, alakazam is good special attacker and mew can be good if you have the right moves. Learn mew swords dance and explosion through tm's. Use swords dance a few times then BOOM the opponent is dead pretty much. Not sure if it can learn healing if it can learn it so it can last a bit longer while you are using swords dance. Mewtwo is great fast and strong, not sure about it's moveset though. Alakazam strong special attack not sure about the moveset though. Metagross a good pysical hitter, earthquake would be good, meteor mash always hits first.
  16. bobobob1

    bobobob1 Well-Known Member

    Metagross is a good physical hitter, but what about teaching it psychic? Would that be a good idea?
  17. treec_cynda

    treec_cynda Guest

    I would have a better chance of giving it a good rating if I knew their moves. From what I see now, 9/10 with Luxray, 8/10 with any of the other Pokemon.
  18. dyem_regret

    dyem_regret Member

    that's cool team... only, 3 of them are steel type... try changing your team with multiple type... you need it when your in battle frontier...