I life in the Netherlands at this moment doing my exams. And they are just so hard... I'm lucky if I can get a score around a 4/10 even though my school averige is well above 7/10. Why do they make it so hard. >.>
see, over here in the UK our exams supposedly get easier every year. But they make it hard so they can properly challenge you and to see how well you understand the subject (why i'm barely passing German). It'd be pointless making the tests easy otherwise everybody would get top marks so there'd be nothing to use when going for a job. I do feel your pain though!
It actually depends on the question given by the teacher though. We were given a one-question exam last semester and it was hard, I didn't get it, i had to go talk to the one in charge..
^that would be the teacher-in-charge of the exam, i went to him after seeing the papers, man I was surprised to know that no one got the answer. He gave us an option(can't tell, it's embarrassing) though after all that. I think he purposely did that, I mean the question got off the topic he told us to study.
haha you know off-topics questions are fun (especially for history) Since nobody knows the answer, everybody writes nonsense and my history teacher always read the weirdest answers you can think
thats nothing compared to my human computer interaction exam. The lecturers had messed us around all year, we were fed up, and as network engineers we did not see how software interface design was at all relevant to us; we made a pact that we would all fail the module in protest. So along came the exam, and we pulled out all the stops to write the stupidest answers we could think of. One of my friends had the best answer to one question: 'How would you adapt an information kiosk so that a blind person could use it?'. His answer was as follows: 'I would code magical healing powers into the kiosk to restore the user's sight as soon as they touched it'. No-one failed the exam.
That sir is win. I have exams, I was meant to get A* in all my exams and being depressed meant I missed out on a lot of lessons so I may well get lower than a C! Damn
I've got trials for German beginning tomorrow. While I SHOULD be able to get an A apparently, I'll probably be lucky to get a C. I mean, I've barely got half the stuff we've learnt, lost vital stuff (speaking exam script) and i've done absolutely no revision...
Here in New Zealand they have a system where they spring all external (or the important tests) exams at the end of the year in one lot. Which means these will be on specific subjects (physics, chemistry etc.) covered earlier in the year. Sure, we'll probably have some short revision, but is that enough?
It really depends on your natural skill with the subject. All places (as far as i know) give you all your exams/trials/whatevers at the end of the year but It varies on what revision time you get. If i had wanted to, I could have revised all year (don't know how i'd review all the things) but I didn't, no suprise there. If you're not all that skilled with a subject, then I'd focus a lot of your time on it. The stuff you're more gifted in naturally then you can relax a bit on it's revision...
I took an exam earlier today. That was so random. I spoke to my friends after it and many of us took a question (multiple questions; english exam so you choose what to write in two different sections, Poetry essay 2 questions and Creative writing 4 questions) which said "Describe what you can see out of your bedroom window". Of course, we all used our imaginations but we all ended up at VERY different answers. I personally created a really philosophical rant about today's modern society and problems within it (It better get some good marks because it took a lot of effort, and is brilliantly written), my friend took the literal route and literally described what he could see from his window. Basically (as may have been expected with an English writing exam), everyone ended up at a different way of answering whatever question they picked: several of my friends also picked the question where you describe yourself in detail to the examiner; one of my friends wrote his complete life story and how he hates "chavs" and "gangsters", another wrote about his life and ended in what he described as "You'll never know me mr. examiner but now you know about me."
Yeah but that rant can't start for at least another month And on off-topic questions, that's basically all of what my Biology exam was. Except they gave you the answers. Roll on the Chemistry exam tomorrow morning....
My advice on exams, as an x-student and an examiner. It is really obvious, when looking at papers, if a student knows the subject. Revision is a waste of time when compaired to understanding. If you did not pay attention in class or did not speak out in class when you did not understand something no amount of revision will cover you. A good examiner will look at your overall understanding of the subject, getting a qustion wrong is not a problem. Ask yourself this, could I stand up in front of people and talk about an exam subject? If you can then you get the gold star. If not then you are not a failure but the subject has failed you, try something else.
No, it fucking isn't. Trust me. And it gets harder when you're trying to revise for Calculus, Chemistry and Physics within a few days. Wave-motion physics makes me want to snap someone's neck. What really bites is that the idiots who picked high-credit subjects then end up outscoring the physicists, mathematicians and chemists.