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Ran out of ideas :3

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by LolsterManZ, Jan 3, 2010.

  1. LolsterManZ

    LolsterManZ Member

    I tried almost every DS game I can think of.
    Anyone know a good game besides the ones
    on this list?

    Dragonball Z
    Full Metal Alchemist
    Dragon Quest
    George Lopez
    Phoenix Wright
    Final Fantasy
    Give me a cool game
    Proffessor blah layton something
    Animes on animefreak.tv (Including the gay ones too like Avatar)
    Callz of duty
    For god sakes i searched up

    Any freakin ideas?
  2. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    You play the most predictable games...try playing some man games!

    Metal slug 7
    Contra 4
    Resident evil DS
    Ninja gaiden DS
    Tetris DS (A smart man's game :) )
    Ridge racer DS
    Metroid prime hunters
    Mario kart DS
    Ultimate mortal kombat ds

    Keep in mind some of these are very difficult..while some are easy, and best enjoyed online/agaisnt someone
  3. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Check this..
  4. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    Some of those on your list aren't even games.
  5. LolsterManZ

    LolsterManZ Member

    Lol i rather play Metal Gear then slug and Resident Evil DS is stupid when the 5th one is out and um...Tetris and mario kart are kinda old.Mortal kombat all looks the same to me.
  6. haseoTOD

    haseoTOD Guest

    Don't you dare insult Mario Kart and Tetris.
  7. LolsterManZ

    LolsterManZ Member

    I tried mario kart on the real DS
    It got bored after the 90th time on the star course or something
    Tetris is always the same kind of basic puzzle
    No need to put it on the DS
    Just keep it on the GBA
  8. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    No like old school?

    Then your taste are crap dude.

    I'm going back to my psp and playing metal gear solid instead of getting my taste in ds games dissed.
  9. LolsterManZ

    LolsterManZ Member

    LOL dude.
    You just failed yourself there.
    I already quoted
    "Lol i rather play Metal Gear then slug (Metal Slug)"
    And yet you say the same thing around in a different way :3
  10. haseoTOD

    haseoTOD Guest

    No, dumbass, try going on Wifi so you can see what Mario Kart really is.
    And the reason you don't like Tetris is because your Grey Matter get's fucked up as soon as you start level 1.

    You don't have any taste when it comes to games. You might as well just play some dolls while riding on a pony.

    Count me in.
  11. someirishkid

    someirishkid Well-Known Member

    Tried Animal Crossing? That kept me going for a while ;D
  12. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I find shooters better than metal gear solid at times...but I had the option unlike you.

    And what is wrong with resident evil DS-it's a port of the first one, with some features from the director's cut version (which I run on my psp).

    For once I agree.

    As an ex wifi clan player, there is a-hell of alot more fun via wifi-if you vs'd me you'd be begging for me NOT to snake XD