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RaiseYourhand if you Smoke and you hate FSC CIGS! (Don't smoke? dont hate)

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by Mcoupe69, Feb 19, 2010.

  1. Mcoupe69

    Mcoupe69 Guest

    I have been looking for a reason to quit and this crap is most likely going to be it..

    I know I will be better off but ffs.. It is like they are punishing smokers for smoking..

    Fire Safe Cigarettes have small adhesive rings around the paper that have been proven to cause tumor growth when tested on rats..

    Tons of smokers have been complaining of previously unnoticed nausia and sores on the tongue and inside of the mouth (apparantly they are very painful but I havn't noticed any of these yet)

    and god... the taste... I actually use to enjoy the taste of cigarettes.. especially newports and 27s

    I just remember the day that our stores recieved fire safe cigs.. bummed a marlboro 27 off of a friend and started smoking it.. "Did you do something to this cig man"? "no?" "It tastes like chlorine"

    ALL the fsc cigs taste extremely chemically now

    Best part is these "FIRE SAFE" cigs really arn't what they say they are completely.. They still don't stop a cig from lighting up a patch of dry brush on a dry day..

    anywho I am just ranting.. little shit like this pisses me off... never anything important.. just the little things :I

    thougts and opinions?