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Ragnarok DS 3rd story item

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by crimson089, Mar 5, 2010.

  1. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    i can't seem to find the 3rd story item for this game. i'm getting pretty bored with all the quests. my guild says i'm nearly 70% done on all the quests, i don't have any plans on completing it anyway. can some pls help me ;D thanks! :)
  2. Gatherer

    Gatherer Member

    What do you mean by 3rd items? (I'm just at the part where Lisir is mad at Lucifi so she runs to Geffen to help somebody and runs off to Mjolnir Dead Pit)
  3. blacksor

    blacksor Member

    yeah me too,
    i have the Broken sword and that wing (don't know the first name thingy)
    but i cant find the 3rd story item. Me myself am also around 73% quest completion so what is the third story item and what can you do with them?
  4. Dagsie

    Dagsie Active Member

    The 2nd story item is called Vidofnir's Wing or something like that...
    I THINK the 3rd story item MIGHT be actually somewhat of a trophy that can be obtained when quest completion is at 100%...
    I'm only 67% quest completed though...
  5. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    right now i'm at 81% quest completion, finally managed to get all job's spirits, and blacksmith's spirit is the best heheh... and still i can't find the 3rd story item Y_Y
  6. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    WOAH 81%
    I'm only 13%
    Guess because I've only been working on rebirthing.
  7. blacksor

    blacksor Member

    I also want to get those spirits but it just takes soooo long to befriend the people for it how did you do that so fast??
    still at 73%..... 2 story items and a guy who wants to kill.
  8. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    i did it not so fast but through afk leveling, their friendship level seemed to raise too. 86% completed now, but where the hell is that 3rd story item Y__Y
  9. blacksor

    blacksor Member

    Where do you AFK train then?
    I only train with mimics for xp/jewels.
    but i want to get all the spirits so would you please be so kind to tell me your location please?
  10. ohmygoshdud0

    ohmygoshdud0 New Member

    Hello! I'm new to the romulation forums and happened to come across this ragnarok section while searching for more info on if whether a story item actually does something. I've been playing ragnarok ds for a couple weeks and can answer your question.
    The third story item is called "Ancient Shaman Documents". You get the item by taking on the job class of shaman. To become a shaman, I believe you must first finish the game (kill the last boss). After doing that, head to the Acolyte Guild and there should be a person with the name "Mysterious Woman" in the middle-left side of the guild with a big staff. Talk to her and do what she says to become a shaman (travel around various areas in chronological order to listen to "whispers" and obtain an Yggdrasil Branch). After becoming a shaman, (i'm not 100% sure... i forgot some minor details) talk to her later and accept her offer to become more powerful. Then, go meet with her friend (another shaman) in the deepest innards of Yusidra Cave. After some talking, the Mysterious Woman's friend gives you the "Ancient Shaman Documents". You then go talk to the Mysterious Woman and tell her about meeting with her friend. Then, the quest is completed. I was hoping for some actual "power" like the Mysterious Woman promised... If you try talking to the Mysterious Woman again after the quest is completed, hoping to receive some "power", she only says this --> "..." <--. Yep... that's what she says. If i'm wrong about not receiving any power, then please tell me. I hope this answered your question.
  11. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    sure. i was training at glast heim, there's a room where 2 zealotus has this non-stop spawning. just go straight from the entrance, that middle path, follow that one and you will stumble upon that room. it's not too far i guess. i think it takes an hour or two before one of your guild mate's friendship level raises. sorry if i didn't get to reply to you earlier, i wasn't at home for 2 days =P

    well hello there and welcome to romulation, i hope you'll enjoy your stay here ^__^

    thank you for your post, i really appreciate it. i hope this will also help everyone else out there whose playing ragnarok ds. i got the shaman's spirit but i have never triggered this quest before. i'm already done with ragnarok ds so i guess i won't be getting this 3rd story item anymore, cause i'm too lazy to go back to shaman again, but it doesn't mean i'm quitting cause i enjoy playing wifi on MT. btw, i think story items don't really do anything else.
  12. blacksor

    blacksor Member

    Yes i finally have the last story item thank you!
    next question:
    what can i do with them???
    got broken sword with text why is it broken
    got wing of vidofnir just says something
    and the shaman documents with some stuff in it.
    but what??!? what can you do with the story items??
  13. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    stare at them. i guess they actually does nothing.
  14. blacksor

    blacksor Member

    Well that's great anyway thanks again for the zealots spot!
  15. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    sure, glad i helped ^-^