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R4i Version 1.4 issue

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by rhhhiheh, Jan 1, 2010.

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  1. rhhhiheh

    rhhhiheh Member

    Help. I have a Nintendo DSI and I bought a R4i - SDHC card (version 1.4). Originally I downloaded the most recent firmware (1.14b from www.r4i-sdhc.com)) and unpacked the files onto the SDHC card. I added a games folder, placed some in there and it worked fine. However, last night when I tried to add some new games into the folder, I got an error message in red on the top screen of the DSI. I took the card out, deleted everything off, used Panasonic SD formatter and tried again. Same message. I then tried using firmware versions 1.09b and 1.12b with no luck. The DSI recognizes that there is no SDHC card in the R4i when I tried putting it in without it. Has anyone experienced this issue? Any would be greatly, greatly appreciated.
  2. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    -Maybe the micro sd card died-they have a short life span
    -Try shoving the micro sd card in again hard-sometimes they don't click in correctly
    -What was the error message?

    ...I thought this was about the dsi's firmware, lol!
  3. rhhhiheh

    rhhhiheh Member

    I tried removing the SDHC card and putting it in again, but to no avail. What's odd is that it recognizes the R4i card as the Star Wars Lethal Alliance, but when I open it it just states "Error" in red on the top screen. The word "Error" is in a box that looks like a mini SD card. The bottom screen is black. Are we thinking it's a firmware issue or SDHC card issue?
  4. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    If the firmware hasn't changed since it was last working, then that isn't the issue.

    Yeah, it shows that pic of sar wars because that might be the game used to exploit the dsi's anti flash cart software.

    I still think shoving that micro sd card harder might help, however...

    -Try giving a "dry blow" into the sd card slot
    -Prehaps one of the reading pins are bent

    Not sure how to fix the pins, but it's an easy fix from what I seen before...something about a paper clip (don't try it until someome suggest HOW to do so)
  5. rhhhiheh

    rhhhiheh Member

    I tried blowing into the card slot so much I feel as if I might pass out. The pins look ok on the SDHC card. Is there a way to clean them? I'm thinking I might have to get another micro SDHC card....
  6. funguy

    funguy Well-Known Member

    it maybe a bad contact issue, insert a small piece of paper folded once or twice to make the R4 card fit a bit tighter into the DS
  7. rhhhiheh

    rhhhiheh Member

    Just tried adding some paper to make it fit tighter. Unfortunately it did not make a difference. Are we thinking it's the SDHC card?
  8. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member


    Does the micro sd work on the pc still?

    Prehaps the micro sd is corrupted...but it's hard to tell exactly what it is...though it seems bad :(
  9. funguy

    funguy Well-Known Member

    the only way to be sure would be to try another SDHC card, pity you haven't got 1 to know for sure
  10. rhhhiheh

    rhhhiheh Member

    The micro sd card does still work in the pc using the usb adapter. I'm just trying to determine what is at fault here - the micro sd card or the R4i card.
    Post Merge: [time]1262370316[/time]
    Well I went out and bought another micro SD card, but got the same error message. Guess it's the R4i card, right?
  11. orions57

    orions57 Well-Known Member

    have you tried taking the games out of there own file and just putting them straight on the SD card it worked for me.
  12. sikkwidditt

    sikkwidditt Active Member

  13. funguy

    funguy Well-Known Member

    you added a games folder placed some in there and it worked fine you said, do you mean you was able to play the games?

    if so... have you since updated your DSi? what version is your DSi on?
  14. rhhhiheh

    rhhhiheh Member

    Yes , I was able to play games - Mario Kart DS and New Super Mario Bros. to be specific. As for the version of the DSI, it's on 1.4U. Would that make a difference?

    Also, can anyone recommend which card is the best? I do not want to buy another R4i if it's gonna break.
  15. funguy

    funguy Well-Known Member

    yes, your DSi is now blocked from using flashcarts, look in the tuturial section for a fix to unblock
  16. orions57

    orions57 Well-Known Member

    if you r4i card is only for version 1.4 then it wont work on 1.4u did you upate it yourself
  17. rhhhiheh

    rhhhiheh Member

    Can someone tell me which tutorial to look at to unblock my dsi from flashcards?

    As for the update to 1.4U, I'm not sure how that happened. My daughter might have done it somehow. How does it happen?
  18. funguy

    funguy Well-Known Member

  19. rhhhiheh

    rhhhiheh Member

    Thanks so much for the link! I have one question though. The link says it's for a Acekard 2.1 and I have an R4i. Isn't their a difference?
  20. orions57

    orions57 Well-Known Member

    i was just about to ask the same question.
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