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R4i SDHC save files get corrupted. HELP !

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by Derahex, Nov 18, 2012.

  1. Derahex

    Derahex Member

    I would like to know if anyone could explain (And possibly find a solution to my problem) why my games's save files get corrupted, for seemingly no reason.

    For example: Just today, I was playing Final Fantasy IV, when I got to the point when stupid old
    decided to dramatically and unnecessarily sacrifice himself for plot reasons, so then I was going to lose all the equipment I put on him. I did not want to lose the fancy and valuable stuff, so I close my DS, open it again, load FF4 aaaaaaannnnd... Poof! The save file is corrupted !
    But not the entire save, just the file I last saved on! As in not the "Entrance to the dungeon" backup that dates 3 hours of game-play ago ! Not to mention that goddang impossible boss I have to re-defeat !
    What is odd is that I did not notice anything strange when I saved. Dammit, it was not even written anything was corrupted !
    I've been playing with my R4 for over a year, and I am SICK AND TIRED of having to redo HOURS of game play. I backup my my Saves on my PC VERY OFTEN. I even keep backups of my backups just in case the backup I'm making is corrupt dammit.
    I am asking help, because it's not normal for saves yo get corrupted THIS often.....

    IS it?

    I don't want to seem pathetic but I turn to the forums because as much as I search and scourge the internet, I can't find ANYTHING !
    Help me Robi Wanulation Kenommunity, You're my only hope !
  2. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    Seems to work now at least :)

    Try formatting your card with Panasonic SD Formatter 3.1 and then re-installing a CLEAN version of your firmware.
    Or even better, YSMenu.

    SD Formatter 3.1 for SD/SDHC/SDXC
  3. Derahex

    Derahex Member

    I will try that, although with my luck there will probably be no difference. :'(
  4. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    There will be.
    And make sure you backup your card BEFORE you format!
  5. Derahex

    Derahex Member


    Just kidding.
  6. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    Just making sure, what card are you using? From what website?

    And once it's formatted, download this firmware: http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=43121.0
    Make sure you card is on the Compatibility List (yours will be most likely).
  7. Derahex

    Derahex Member

    SD card/flash cart : nexxtech 8 GB (I recently switched from a Sandisk 4GB, but trust me, that does not affect the problem)

    Card adaption thingy : R4i *Little yellow thing written V1.4* (NDSi LL/NDSi/NDSL/NDS)

    Firmware : R4i SDHC V1.60b English

    I like R4 because then My DS doubles as a MP3 player :)
    Post Merge: [time]1353209468[/time]
    Wait a minute... I think I got it. Maybe the .NDS files themselves are bugged ? Oh and i'll also try augmenting the "Adj size" (I think that's the allowed size the .sav can be).
    Post Merge: [time]1353209984[/time]
    Another thing... My save files don't get automatically corrupted, it happens randomly, at inconvenient moments, to often.
  8. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    At least from reading your 1st post, I have to say the save file got corrupted due to your silly action of closing the NDS (which I should assume you mean force switch off). Such sh*t happens when you don't take care of how you play. But yes, I've had a case where the cause is the rom being faulty. A simple re-download another copy from other dump group could solve it. Some games that run on real time clock such as Animal Crossing will require you to properly follow the save-switch off procedure, else will corrupt or cause you to lose some progress.

    In any case, keeping back ups of your save files is a pretty wise move you did. But so you know, SD Micro quality does matter, whoever said it doesn't is bluffing you. YSMENU/TTMENU as secondary firmware will do you good in a sense it will solve your issues with newer games since 2009 to work on your prehistoric flash cart. But will not have effect to solve your so called more than often corrupted save file problem, given the understanding you're still using that 'questionable nex... SD Micro brand quality'. Just back up often as always which is a very good habit, and keep in mind to save whenever possible. Also never abruptly pull out or swipe or touch the SD Micro when it's running which might cause the element to slip from contact with the cart, especially during saving procedure, will/might cause corruption.
  9. Derahex

    Derahex Member

    Are you saying that I should never shut my DS off, ever ? That's what I am misinterpret from you message. Please clarify, please.
  10. Joel16

    Joel16 Well-Known Member

    I think hes telling you to save your progress first, and then you may turn off the power.
  11. Derahex

    Derahex Member

    "Saving... Don't turn off the power"
    "Saving. Please don't touch the memory card or the power button."
    "Saving... Don't touch the game cart or the POWER button."

    Please, I'm not a five year old. Don't worry I'm not taking that as an offense, just as a misunderstanding.
  12. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    You may not be a five year old, but once too often we have the tendency to forget those simple guidelines.
    Especially when we are in a hurry/rush to shut down the console. Sometimes I did the same things too.
    At the very least, you've been smarter than a five years old to always maintain a routine back up habit.
    Something which I don't do on a routine basis.
  13. Derahex

    Derahex Member

    Ok... Well, trust me, I NEVER, EEEEVER Shut the DS while it saves.
    Post Merge: [time]1355013655[/time]
    PS Xenirina Thank you for the help, but I am terribly sorry to tell you that your thingy didn't exactly work. Just now I would have lost my save for Radiant Historia if it was not for the fact that there is an
    integral backup save file. That's right the whole save file, as in, all three slots. No way that can happen by shutting the DS while saving. (Which I never do)

    Also, just to clarify, my saves get corrupted Randomly, as in not every time I shut the DS, not every 3 hours, just absolutely arbitrarily random. ly.
  14. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    actually it can. All the save slots are stored in one file, so if that file is damaged during writing (e.g from losing power) its entirely possible for all the save slots to be corrupted. In your case, I would suspect problems with your microsd card, either at the filesystem level or the block level. Back everything up and reformat it, if that doesn't work try a different microsd card.