Hi there folks i have an r4i sdhc when the game list comes up - it only shows 4 or 5 games on a screen at a time (because it has little pictures) my old r4 just had a list of games (with only there names) so a lot more fitted on the screen. can i change the new r4i display, to only have a list?????? any help appreciated - even if it is to say no
No, mabe select button while on main screen If your oldr4 is a R4 original only ?, Then use this new firmware for it http://www.mediafire.com/?nc0nxyzqjujidvq <- on a clean formatted chip
apologies, my fault... on the new r4i card, i want to take the pictures off so it only displays the game name (so i can fit more on the screen) have tried the select button on the game list - it only lists changing the order of display (eg. ascending/descending)