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Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by Bladey, Dec 30, 2012.

  1. Bladey

    Bladey Member

    I have updated DSi to 1.5.5 and I wanna use this card. They will release a new kernel on official site or maybe there's a unofficial kernel that will make it work on my DSi
  2. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    I think what you meant was DSi firmware v.1.4.5, and nope, you can't use your R4i SDHC 3DS (from r4i-sdhc.com). Simply because there's no upgrade for your R4i to work on that v.1.4.5 firmware (v.1.4.5-10U/v.1.4.5-10E). Even if there were an upgrade for your cart, you'll need to borrow someone else's console which is below v.1.4.5 to upgrade your cart before it can be again use on your console. You could try to send an e-mail via their website's customer contact. Until such time, you can't use it.
  3. Bladey

    Bladey Member

    Right I need to wait for next patch :/ Prectorian why I need DSI below 1.4.5 to upgrade my cart? I can upgrade for computer I just need to wait until I play on my Dsi so Hello DS ...
  4. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    You said you had upgraded your console to v.1.4.5 before upgrading your cart, which is why you can't use it, right? When an upgrading package is made available by your cart's website, I don't think you can just drag and drop that package into your cart and it'll unblock the blockage just like that. It'lll involve having you to run the upgrading file on the console, but won't be able to do it on your DSi. If you have a DSL console too, then you'll have to upgrade that cart, using the older DS console of yours. Only after that it can again be use on the DSi.
  5. Bladey

    Bladey Member

    Okay I have DSL console so no need to worry ... And I think drag and drop work I just need to wait for new update and that's it (I think they make it cuz it's new card for 3ds and DSi) I just don't want to use DS that need to be repaired -.- Top screen can break any time...