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R4i Gold Wood R4/YSMenu issues

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by yaromire, Sep 11, 2013.

  1. yaromire

    yaromire New Member

    I bought a R4i Gold from R4ids.com a long time ago and at some point i managed to find a build of wood R4 that worked on it, according to the system its Wood akmenu 1.28 HW: c2.
    I would like to update to something that's a little more up to date than that so i tried various kernels and some kind of worked, like wood r4 from r4ids cn v1.62 it booted the kernel but no games would load it would just stick at loading forever.
    So i moved onto YSMenu and all i get is unsupported dldi name. I even tried to extract the dldi from the cards original kernel and tried patching it to ysmenus.nds, most likely failing to understand what i was actually doing, but still no luck.
    I was wondering if anyone more knowledgeable than i am could help me out. It would be much appreciated.
  2. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    If your cart is from R4ids.com, don't experiment using files from other sites such as r4ids(.)cn's. It's like trying to put a square into a triangle, it don't fit; in this case of cause it won't work!

    If you want to try YSMENU/TTMENU, make sure you check the compatibility list text file provided by RetroGameFan, find out first which folder content to use from his package. If your cart isn't mentioned there, then very likely your cart isn't supported by him. If it's mentioned then next thing to do is follow the installation steps provided in the text file as directed by him. See : http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=43121.0.
  3. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    You have a trashcan in your house right?