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r4i gold v1.4 firmware help

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by live_love_burn_die, Oct 2, 2011.

  1. wow haven't been on here in ages hehe o.o

    anyway here's my problem i've got a r4i gold v1.4 which i bought at least a year ago.
    the website on the card is www. r4ids .com and i've been looking on that website and many others to try and find a way to get it to work on my dsi. whenever i tried to play it , it comes up with a message saying something like "unable to read the card, please power off and refer to user manual" ("エラーが発生しました。本体の電源ボタンを長押しして電源をoffにし、本体の取扱説明書の指示に従ってください。" to be exact seeing as i bought it in japan :p)
    i have recently reformatted my card to fat32 and have cleared everything off it so i can start afresh and do it properly.
    i have read that the message comes up because nintendo put a lock or something on the dsi so that it wont read the r4 and i was wondering if i could upgrade the firmware for my r4 so it would overlook it. i have seen on both the site for my card and other sites that it is possible to get around this but so far its only been the later cartridges. if you know how i can get this to work on my r4i please help it will be much appreciated n.n

    ps. please dont just tell me its a fake i am aware that my r4 is probably a clone but as long as it works i don't really care, if the updates wont work with my r4 for this reason please suggest a replacement i can buy that will work thanks :)
    pps: please excuse my lack of punctuation hehe :p

    edit: also if it helps my dsi is running on version 1.4.3j