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R4i Gold Pro not working on DS Phat- White screen problem

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by xolima, Jul 18, 2013.

  1. xolima

    xolima New Member

    Hello everyone, sorry if this has already been answered, but I have a nasty problem with my flashcard and it's the second flashcard that I have bought because of firmware problems and I really don't want to spend more money on a new one. I will try to give as much information as possible.

    I bought an R4i Gold Pro from this brand (r4i-gold.com) about a year ago. It worked flawlessly till firmware 4.5.x.x.x. I didn't update my 3DS for a looong time and when I thought it was time to update there was already available the 6.1.x.x.x version. I downloaded the newest kernel and the firmware update, I ran it on my 3DS, the logo changed from that weird japanese game with an anime kid to Sponge Bob Atlantis. I updated my 3DS and to my luck the flashcard stopped working, "please turn the power off". The usual error when the flashcard's firmware isn't yet compatible; the next day the site previously mentioned released an update, I borrowed a friend's DS Phat as usual and I tried to update my flashcard. Again I was surprised, the cart shows up on the menu but it fails to boot giving me a white screen. I have tried almost every kernel that I found and it's always the same. The DS's is old but runs original games and his old flashcard fine, I tried 3 different microsd cards and failed, the R4i Gold Pro worked like a week ago and has been kept safe (lol my english) so I really don't have a clue about the problem.

    Why the hell doesn't it work on a freaking DS Phat !? Isn't the DS Phat supposed to run any working DS flashcards ? Please give me some advice, I tried almost everything and failed to see new results. I don't want to buy another flashcard specially when I can't find a Portuguese site that sells them.

    Thanks for your attention, please answer asap.
  2. Jack Wang

    Jack Wang New Member

    the flashcard version should be advanced. so you should update your card first then the 3ds console. what you have done is right.

    maybe you need to repair you card.borrow a normal card such as dstwo/ r4i gold 3ds.(btw a shop called gamekool.com is free shipping.) download the normal card's firmwave and your r4i gold pro' patch into a SD card.

    put the SD card into the normal card and run on the DS/DSL.then work the console, press the a normal card and change it into your r4i gold pro. go on running.

    have a try...
  3. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    I think you've gotten yourself mixed up regarding the 'R4i Gold Pro' that you have against the ones shown in the site you linked. Apparently there seems to be 2 R4i Pro made by that site; an earlier version (2012) and a newer version (2013), the difference seems to be the sticker body color; silver sticker (2012) (http://r4i-gold.com/en/download/skin/2012/0115/281.html) , and gold sticker (2013) (http://r4i-gold.com/en/download/skin/2013/0129/284.html). Seems to me yours is the 2012 version (as you said it was purchased a year ago). Thus if you look at the link from that site, it's clear that yours only support 3DS v.4.5.0-10 and NDSi v.1.45. Which is no wonder why you'd blocked your cart from working on the 3DS console.

    As to why it also failed to run on an NDS/NDSL/DSi, of cause it won't work either. You'd installed/upgraded your cart's kernel/firmware with the ones for 2013 version. While yours doesn't have any further upgrade since October 2012. And according to you, you'd upgraded your console to v.6.1.0-10, thus why you saw the error message. Had you not upgraded your console, you still could revert your cart's firmware to the original-proper one. But since that's no longer possible then the solution is to buy a new cart that does work for 3DS v.6.1.0 or newer. In future make sure to read/understand if the files provided in the official site are meant for your cart or not, otherwise it'll cost you dearly like what happen at present.

    Wang's suggestion won't work for you, as he was suggesting solution to a totally different case.