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R4i Gold 3DS crashing

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by LuckyIori, Apr 13, 2014.

  1. LuckyIori

    LuckyIori Member

    I received an R4i Gold 3DS from zhuzhuchina a few weeks ago but and my card has been working perfectly since then however yesterday I had encountered a problem. All the firmware is correct and is the latest however my DSi tends to not notice that the flashcart is inserted and thus I cannot play the games. So I take out the flashcart and blow the slot and the cart and it works for a few seconds but then crashes. Could it be my microsd or is it something else? It's probably an easy fix but yeah I'm a noob and I need help. Could somebody please provide me with a solution? Thank you for taking the time to read. :)
  2. Mobinga

    Mobinga Member

    So did the screen shows: “There is no game card insert” or "no card", maybe something is wrong with the Micro SD card or Something is wrong with the connection between R4 card and console. you can try to insert the r4 card smoothly and with little more power again, then try to use it again. Or you should try to clean the kingfinger part of r4 card. If not work, you can try to format your Micro SD card or change another Micro SD.

    More details you can check at this article: http://www.r4depot.com/blog/whats-wrong-with-my-no-working-r4-card/ , very useful. :-*
  3. LuckyIori

    LuckyIori Member

    Alright, thanks for the suggestions guys. It was working perfectly until yesterday, there is no error but when I put my R4i Gold 3DS into my DSi V1.45 then my DSi doesn't even recognise it so it is not viable for me to click on. It also doesn't work into my DS Lite. I've tried blowing and cleaning the kingfingers with my shirt, still no success. I haven't formatted the Micro Sd yet but I will shortly. I shall report back on my findings. Thanks gor the advice guys :)
    Post Merge: [time]1397462786[/time]
    Nope guys, doesn't seem like the Micro Sd is a problem :(
  4. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Given you've tried using alternative SD Micro cards, as well as tried loading the same cartridge on 2 different consoles but in both cases still doesn't help. You've actually narrowed the possibilities to flash cartridge issue. You could try opening the cartridge to see if there's anything amiss in the wiring, probably excess soldering causing short circuit, try doing the paper trick by slipping a piece of paper in between the cartridge and console to tighten the pin contact, else go buy a better flash cartridge.
  5. LuckyIori

    LuckyIori Member

    The paper trick was the first thing that I did, it still didn't work. I do think the flash cartridge is a problem. Thanks for the help Prectorian, I had already sent an email. Just waiting a response now, thanks for all the help everyone, I appreciate it greatly!