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R4i card

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by jinxter, Aug 25, 2012.

  1. jinxter

    jinxter Member

    Does anyone know, if i bought a DSI XL and a R4i card would i still be able to use the ds games I a;ready have.

    Thanx ::)
  2. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    It depends if your flashcart supports your DSi version.
    What card do you use? A picture and a link to the website printed on the card is enough.
  3. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    You mean at them moment you have an NDS/DSL and want to buy a DSi ?
    In any case, so long you buy a cart that supports the latest DSi console's firmware, it should run just fine.
    Do make sure the cart you buy still get continuous updates from the developer, or at least supports WOOD or YSMENU/TTMENU.