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R4ds or ncard/dslink/ds fire card or ds super card one.

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Darkslabe, Apr 25, 2008.

  1. Darkslabe

    Darkslabe Active Member

    R4ds or ncard/dslink/ds fire card or ds super card one

    The r4 uses a micro sd

    Ncard has inbuilt memory

    Super card uses micro sd

    Witch on is best?
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    R4 according to most people here.
  3. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    R4DS sicne it is the most stable one.....i dont have any issue with it since i got it....(last march)
  4. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Yep definitely R4DS, best out of the two I've owned. And of Ncard and Fire Link and DS ONE :p
  5. Darkslabe

    Darkslabe Active Member

    What about the ds xtreme?

    Who has one of those?
  6. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Barely anyone, as the team don't actually make new firmware for DS-Extreme even if there's a game not confirmed working with it.
  7. 1Blacks1

    1Blacks1 Well-Known Member

    I Like The SuperCard, The reason behind that is because i currently own 1. iv never tryed the R4. could someone tell me whats so good about the R4 that the Supercard cannot do or is lacking?
  8. PhatomKids

    PhatomKids Well-Known Member

    R4 since i use one
  9. mauiboi

    mauiboi New Member

    Anyone tried TTDS? Sumone please tell me the diff. between these cards?.
  10. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Between what flashcart exactly? R4? There's not much difference really, except that the menu of the DSTT is very unorganised. DSTT has a slightly better ROM compatibility also.
  11. laedonis

    laedonis New Member

    Well. This`ll be my first post around here.. so treat me right. ok?

    I own a NinjaDS, a MicroNinjaDS and im actually using a TTDS.

    with both Ninjas (actually both are the same thing) i got lots of gaming compatibility. Then again, there where lots of games that didnt even started, or crashed. I upgraded de OS of both of them (freely downlodable in Ninja Ds of.Page) but didnt worked.
    So Ive changed towards the TT DS and works perfectly with every game Ive downloaded.
    the only big con Ive found is that I cant hear Music nor see images with the TT DS.
    Im trying to find out if theres some kinda upgrade or program so im alow to do so. If there´s some1 who knows about it, please. email me or something,. Ill be grateful.

    (im Argentinian, so please forgive any badspelling or such) :p

    Cya Next time
  12. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    DSTT can run music and images fine, they have to be .mp3 format, and the pictures must be in regular format as well, .jpg, .png etc. In moonshell of course.
  13. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    this isnt a debate. Moved
  14. ryu1996

    ryu1996 Member

    id go with r4 cause it has many features like putting not only games but movies and music
  15. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    CycloDS with new beta firmware ftw!