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r4ds on ds lite silver

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Kris-11, Nov 11, 2007.

  1. Kris-11

    Kris-11 Active Member

    does the r4ds work on the new ds lite silver
  2. 0790

    0790 Well-Known Member

    Yep, theres absolutely nothing internally different in it compared to other DS lites. It does look darn sexy though.
  3. sir spamalot

    sir spamalot Well-Known Member

    the silver ds might have different firmware - i remember the cool firmware check you could do

    put a ds cart in the console (a normal game), go to picto-chat. enter room 1 then remove the game (this won't f*** your ds up because nothing was being read from the cart)

    and see what colour it is. if pictochat freezes, then it's firmware v1.
    v2 means it's 2 grey sreens
    v3 is 2 dark green screens (looks like vomit). sam efor the iQue ds
    v4 = super cool golden yellow ds screens = major bragging rights :D
    v5 = 2 purple screens (for ds ites - i have a black ds lite and the screens end up purple)
    v6 = the ds will start a countdown and self-destruct (only joking)

    the firmware is important but unnoticed because it determines which type of slot 1 or 2 device you can use... of course the m3 simply or r4 or everything else that's new would work regardless of firmware making this post pointless... well it gives people something to do, right?
  4. DarkSpace

    DarkSpace Member

    It'll be fine. It should work on any DS
  5. airsoft1117

    airsoft1117 Well-Known Member

    I got purple so i guess i have the newest one, which means since i can use my r4 you should be able to, too.