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R4DS homemade theme sharing

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by rollakid, Sep 20, 2007.

  1. rollakid

    rollakid Member

    OK i just went through the forum and find no such thread beside a "how to change theme in your R4DS" of sort of a thread. So i figure we might as well share some of our home made themes with other R4 owners. Since not everyone have the time to do all 12 themes, i guess if we have 12 person sharing we'll have 12 nice R4 themes ;D

    I'm a bit hooked on Hatsune Miku recently so here's one:

    the theme:

    and something i found on youtube, already converted to .dpg:

    i loop that one over and over for hours while making the theme in photoshop ;D it's very addictive..

    here's how it looks like on my DS:

    Hope you guys enjoy it. Oh, and i made this for romulation, no plan to post it anywhere else, I have no control of what you're gonna do with it, since i do not hold any copyright over the pics (got it over the net) so there's nothing i can do really :D, just hope my effort is appreciated.
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    OMG, that keyboard looks like my old one :p
  3. rollakid

    rollakid Member

    its 5 years old :D my pc is new, but i skimp on the keyboard cuz its still functioning.. heck even my monitor is wider than my keyboard...

    oh did i mention i still have one NEC keyboard 11 years old still working? its on another com behind me...

    heck, keyboards last damn long.. no surprise ;D
  4. deadbird666

    deadbird666 Active Member

    hmm .. i really like the bg XD

    lol emm btw how did you make .. the touch screen thumbnail thingie ..

    i only know .. how to chg the upper screen -__-
  5. chris915

    chris915 Member

    I have a great program for making themes. Its called 'R4 Theme Creator Alice'. Have a search for it. It's free and simple to use. I tried making them without this and just find it takes a while.

    Hope that helps ppl,

  6. rollakid

    rollakid Member

    upper screen is logo.bmp, lower screen is icons.bmp, and the other two are used in game selection screen.

    all 4 screen went through processing in photoshop. I find the pics, measure them in exact pixels, use a ruler to measure my DS screen, and figure out there should be around 90 pixel between the two screen.

    so stuff is cut up in half and text moved around... and stitch everything together and voala you have yourself something new.. XD

    icons are cut out from other place, made 70% transparent in photoshop and inserted as a different layer on top of the original image.

    yeah i know about that too... but the last time i try it it says something about needing .net framework 2.0 right? because of something i need to run on 1.1 without 2.0 installed so i didn't use it. And it is very enjoyable to do everything manually in photoshop..
  7. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    you should be able to run both .net 1.1 and 2.0 without any conflicts.
  8. rollakid

    rollakid Member

    thought so too.... but buggy program is buggy.. :(

    what more simple photoshop skill i believe is an essential skill for anyone working in IT environment.... i think...

    hey.. this thread is going off topic ??? :p