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R4CCE code format

Discussion in 'Cheats & Hints' started by obsidianlupus, Apr 1, 2012.

  1. obsidianlupus

    obsidianlupus New Member

    I just started looking into code creation with R4CCE, however the document doesn't seem to do a very good job with explaining what's going on with the codes I'm looking at. For example, the document lists the following:
    5xxxxxxx yyyyyyyy 32bit ‘if equal’ instruction - If the value at (xxxxxxx or
    ‘offset’ when address is 0) == yyyyyyyy then execute
    the following block of instructions. Conditional instructions
    can be nested.

    0xxxxxxx yyyyyyyy 32bit write of yyyyyyyy to location: (xxxxxxx + ‘offset’)
    Here is a code that gives 99 of all items you currently possess at least 1 of:

    52073570 E1D500F6
    02073570 E3A00063
    D2000000 00000000 (simple End Loop/End If instruction)

    It looks like there should be a loop in here somewhere that cycles through the list of items. I've got a pretty good grasp on the Codebreaker format but this is almost a total mystery to me. (3A looks to be the number of consumable items in the game - 58 sounds about right - but what's the E for?) Does anyone know the location of a more in-depth technical document for this code format?