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r43ds will play in one 3ds console but not a different one

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by damok, Sep 16, 2013.

  1. damok

    damok Member

    hi all,
    my daughters have a 3ds each but only one will play the r4 games. the other one did initially but it wont now, any ideas why and how I could possibly fix this please
  2. Check the version of the system software under settings - it may be that one of the 3DSes has been updated and said update rendered the R4 firmware unable to work on said 3DS.

    To fix this, you'll need to download an update for the r4 and use the working 3DS to install it. Then it should work again on the non-working 3DS.
  3. damok

    damok Member

    Thanks for the reply,
    you are correct there was an upgrade done, I have installed new software on the r4 it worked on the other 3ds but still not on the upgraded one.
  4. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Do note that at current there's already v.6.3.0-12 update for 3DS console. Your daughter might have updated to that, so you need to see if your cart's latest firmware release is meant for v.6.2.0 or v.6.3.0. Do check the below quoted info, so far only 2 carts are known to run on the latest firmware. Both cart should be able to still run on one of the console, which hasn't been accidentally upgraded, right?

    [quote author= Info Courtesy of RomUniv.]
    Flashcards Working:

    (6.3.0-12) Supercard DS2 (supercard (dot) sc) – Firmware 1.23
    (6.2.0-12) R4iGold 3DS / RTS (r4ids (dot) cn) – (Revision 9, A & C Only)

    Flashcards Blocked:

    (4.4.0-10) R4iGold 3DS (r4ids (dot) cn) – Revision 8 & Lower + Metroid Bugged Rev C (1.4.5 Patch for 8 & Lower and Troublesome C Rev’s)
    (4.4.0-10) R4iDSN 3DS (r4idsn (dot) com) – Revision 8 & Lower + Metroid Bugged Rev C(1.4.5 Patch for 8 & Lower and Troublesome C Rev’s)
    (4.4.0-10) Supercard DSOnei & Mini (supercard (dot) sc) – Update to support DSi 1.4.5
    (4.5.0-10) R4isdhc Dual-Core (r4isdhc (dot) com)
    (4.5.0-10) 2012 New R4isdhc-silver (r4isdhc (dot) com)
    (4.5.0-10) R4i-Gold Pro (r4i-gold (dot) com)
    (4.5.0-10) M3i zero GMP-Z003 (m3adapter (dot) com)
    (4.5.0-10) R4infinity Dual Core (r4infinity (dot) com)
    (4.5.0-10) R4iGold 3DS (r4igold (dot) cc)
    (4.5.0-10) R4iTT Purple – New Sticker (r4itt (dot) net)
    (4.5.0-10) r4i3d (r4i3d (dot) com) – 5.1.0-11 Update does not work
    (4.5.0-10) R4i SDHC-V3DSU (r4sdhc (dot) com)
    (5.1.0-11) R4i-SDHC 3DS 4.5/5.0 (r4i-sdhc (dot) com)
    (5.1.0-11) ace3ds – plus – 001A rev PCB (ace3ds (dot) com)
    (5.1.0-11) r4imax (r4imax (dot) com)
    (5.1.0-11) GEI HOT (ge.ndsi (dot) in)
    (6.1.0-12) ace3ds plus (ace3ds (dot) com)
    (6.1.0-12) R4I-GOLD NEW (r4igold (dot) cn)
    (6.1.0-12) R4i LL New 3DS (ndsill (dot) net)
    (6.1.0-12) R4infinity 2 (r4infinity (dot) com)
    (6.1.0-12) R4infinity Dual Core 2013 (r4infinity (dot) com)
    (6.1.0-12) R4iTT Purple – NEW 3ds Sticker (r4itt (dot) cc)
    (6.1.0-12) Gateway Blue (gateway-3ds (dot) com)

    Flashcards Unknown latest Firmware Status:

    (6.2.0-12) R4iDSN 3DS (r4idsn (dot) com) – (Revision 9, A & C Only)
    (6.2.0-12) R4i-SDHC 3DS RTS (r4i-sdhc (dot) com) – (Certain Models Only) – Firmware Update
    (6.2.0-12) R4i Gold Plus (r4ids (dot) com) – Firmware Update Standard Deluxe
    (6.2.0-12) 2013 R4isdhc Dual-Core (r4isdhc (dot) com) – Firmware Update
    (6.2.0-12) 2013 New R4isdhc-silver / RTS Lite (r4isdhc (dot) com) – Firmware Update
    (6.2.0-12) r4igold wood (r4igold (dot) cc) – Firmware Update
    (6.2.0-12) R4infinity 3 (r4infinity (dot) com) – Firmware Update
    (6.2.0-12) r4i3d 2013 (r4i3d (dot) com) – Firmware Update
    (6.2.0-12) R4iTT Purple – RTS new (r4itt (dot) net) – Firmware Update
    (6.2.0-12) R4i-Gold Pro 2013 (r4i-gold (dot) com) – Firmware Update
    (6.2.0-12) R4iGold 3DS 2013 (r4igold (dot) cc) – Firmware Update
    (6.2.0-12) Action Replay DSi (codejunkies (dot) com) – No Update Needed from 6.1.0-12