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R4 Update?

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by HavQ, Sep 7, 2008.

  1. HavQ

    HavQ New Member

    Hi, I'm new here, and I'm wondering about the R4 update people are talking about.
    I'm just about to get me a Cyclo DS flash card, but all this R4 talk made me curious: will the R4 be better than Cyclo DS after the update, and what does the update do? I've heard Cyclo's the best flash card around..
    So, which one's better? Thanks in advance, any replies are appreciated! :)
  2. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member


    Cyclo is better and gets firmware updates regularly.

    R4 has had the same firmware for awhile now, hence the countdown.
  3. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    Exactly!! The people with R4 may have to wate a long time again to get another update hence the exitment. I dont realy care about it much because the old version is still working fine for me.
  4. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    To me, it means inferior product support.

    Plus, the CycloDS's updates are pretty good.
    Their old releases are solid and you can run a lot of games on older firmwares that are non-beta.
    I'm basically saying that you don't have to have the most up to date one to be able to play new releases.
  5. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    This is about R4. Yeah Cyclo is the better Slot 1 flashcart on the market, quite recent.
  6. adriskrayzee

    adriskrayzee Well-Known Member

    Actually, if the CycloDS gets updates periodically, its because it needs them too much, the R4DS hardly gets updated because its practically perfect, I've had mine for almost a year and has caused me no trouble at all. But people tend to get fooled by CycloDS because it gets advertised more.
  7. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Yeah that sort of goes both ways, could mean it's really good and doesn't need updating, or they have abandoned it or support is slow.
  8. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I've only had to update my card once from the stock firmware for FFCC.

    All of my updates have been beta so far that offer a lot more things than just compatibility. (RTS, updated default cheat codes, a new interface etc.)
    This also goes both ways again, frequent updates means a lot of support, meaning that I never have to make a thread on "game X won't run" and the response by Anand is always "update your firmware."

    You could infer that the older firmwares don't have a lot of base to them, but they do last for a long time. I went from the factory firmware to 1.13 (or something like that), then 1.4b3 to 1.5b2.

    The day the R4 team releases their new update and starts releasing beta versions is the day that the Cyclo and R4 can be truly evenly matched.
    Until then, you can keep reading the R4/M3/DSTT/Supercard threads that all say update your firmware.
  9. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    Tell that to those who are having problems with it.

    CycloDS is one of the best solutions for those kinds of things, if not the best.
  10. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Right, right, right... Where to start? Remember my old World News thread about R4's that can brick, well that's why the update has taken so long to be finished, it'll have software in it so that it can brick ds' that have fake R4's, this is risky for many people, with the latest update, but that's why it has took so long...
  11. adriskrayzee

    adriskrayzee Well-Known Member

    Dont blame the R4DS just because those guys aren't using the latest firmware.
  12. a03dugga

    a03dugga Well-Known Member

    well i can say one thing, ive had the r4 with the latest firmware 1.18 for almost a year now and EVERY SINGLE GAME has worked for me with the perfect speed, sound and no gfx bugs, i cant say that cyclo ds is better cos ive never even had it but ive read a lot od comments for roms where their cyclo ds cant play this game wahwah, the r4 is by no means perfect because of the lack of customization and the annoying monshell error on startup, but their both great as far as i know, but to be on the safe side. (bites knuckles) get a cyclo ds.
  13. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    Don't blame the CycloDS just because the Cyclops team likes to support us.

    I'm not picking on you, I'm just saying that the R4 is NOT better than the CycloDS.
  14. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Yes the Cyclo is better, but it doesn't matter if the R4 user doesn't have the latest firmware, it matters if that firmware can play nearly all the games, and so they don't have to update unless there's a new feature in the changelog etc. The moonshell bug is just a error that InfantileParalyzer forgot to fix. It works fine nonetheless.
  15. Sonica

    Sonica Well-Known Member

    I only have the R4, but it was working fine for me. Only updated it once to 1.18 firmware for MMSF2 and FFTA2, but was able to run the latest games quite well since then.

    Wouldn't know about Cyclo, since there's only one DS in my home and no-one complains about the R4.