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R4 Troubles

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by machineakuma, Sep 30, 2012.

  1. machineakuma

    machineakuma Member

    been looking through alot of the posts and can't seem to figure out if this is an R4 Clone or an actual R4 sdhc flashcart i forgot what site i bought it from its been several years. What i do know is that the most up to date firmware does not work on my flashcart (r4sdhc kernal v1..34) the one before it (r4sdhc kernal v1.32) works fine. And i now use ysmenu with it, i looked up my errcode=-4 problem and says update the ysmenu exitinfo/infolib/savelib. My question is which one should i extract from RGF v6.84 the R4 Clone or R4sdhc and where do i put it on my sd card. Here are the pics of what im using [​IMG] [​IMG]

    SD Card: Sandisk 8GB
  2. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    At least we know what card you are using.

    1. Download RGF's Multicard Update 6.84
    2. Use the firmware provided for your card (I'm hoping you know which one).
    3. Download this.
    4. Copy the .dat's ( extinfo.dat/infolib.dat/savlib.dat/usrcheat.dat) into the firmware folder (override the older files)
    5. Copy the newly updated firmware to the root of your card
    6. Have fun.
  3. machineakuma

    machineakuma Member

    k of the r4sdhc folder it has 2 folders that contain the data _PATCH and TTMenu where do i upload the DAT_s_v6089 that you told me to dl or do i copy and override on both?
  4. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    Copy it to the TTMenu folder.
  5. machineakuma

    machineakuma Member

    same thing as before after Loading... goes into full black top and bottom screen
    Post Merge: [time]1348963320[/time]
    gonna try and do what u told me with the R4 Clone folder see how that works
  6. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    Try and format your MicroSD, then try and again.
  7. machineakuma

    machineakuma Member

    yea tried that couple times now using the SDFormatter v3.1 and doing the Full Overwrite and size adjustment on like it states and just now tried with the R4 Clone and also gives me the Loading into a black screen waited for 5 minutes before i shut it off hoping it wouldve been lag or something
    Post Merge: [time]1348967063[/time]
    ok actually 1.32 does not work the latest working firmware is 1.21
    Post Merge: [time]1348967824[/time]
    found a working solution used firmware R4sdhc firmware 1.21 extracted that onto the root sd card used the R4 Clone folder and did what was in the how to install and copy and replaced the exitinfo/infolib/savelib/usrcheat.dat in the TTmenu when it loads run the YSmenu.nds and play whatever you want :D

    Thanks Xen for placing me on the road to fixing it :)
    Post Merge: [time]1348969022[/time]
    6039 Pokemon Conquest doesnt work tho :( loads into a full white screen top and bottom screen.
  8. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    I'm presuming your using the card from r4sdhc.com?
    I'll upload an updated version of YSMenu when I get onto my computer.
  9. simona12

    simona12 Active Member

    if card is from r4sdhc.com and existing firmware was 1.34 then save games and savs on pc and format the sd card then download RetroGameFans multicart files and extract the R4SDHC folder this replaces existing cards firmmware (is one on its own) to the pc then extract the contents of this folder to the sd card is a (readme file inside) then test in the ds and if it loads then transfer your games and savs
  10. machineakuma

    machineakuma Member

    I forgot where I bought it from its been several years since I last touched it might not have been from that site I guess that's why firmware v1.34 doesn't work with it or any others past v1.21
  11. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Non of RGF firmware is capable with R4 SDHC, only R4i SDHC .

    Sorry bad card without no updates in firmware :( .

    On the other hand get it setup back the way you had it with errcode=-4 , and replace only extinfo.dat/infolib.dat/savlib.dat files into ttmenu folder.

    Get them here: http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=43121.msg1413398#msg1413398

    If all else fails then I'm sorry.
  12. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    his firmware worked in the past on my r4SDHC i had for testing...
  13. machineakuma

    machineakuma Member

    Yea it's currently working I had to get the old r4SDHC 1.21 firmware and use RGF 6.84 and replaced the Exitinfo/infolib/savelib and Usrcheat.dat to the ttmenu folder with the latest update all the games work up to Pokemon conquest I still haven't figured how to get that working yet.