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R4 system error

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by exodial, Jun 24, 2010.

  1. exodial

    exodial Member

    Ive had my R4 card for a few years now, and a few days ago i had a problem with it. When i turned it on, despite having over 20 games on the SD card, only one displayed, and the card them froze. I copied the games, then formatted the SD card. However, when i download the OS from here :http://r4ds.cn/download/r4_v1.18_kernel.html , it doesn't work.

    I copied the files onto the card, and plug it into my DS. However, when I power up, it refuses to recognise there is any data installed and comes up with a white screen and a red message saying MENU?.

    Have I done anything wrong, did i download the wrong OS? Any help is very much appreciated s I'm flying away on holidays on Sunday and would quite like it for the journey.
  2. Fredbox

    Fredbox Well-Known Member

    Well, there are loads of different R4s, all with different firmware (that's the OS). What does your R4 say on it's label?
  3. exodial

    exodial Member

    On the card, it reads :
    Revolution for DS (NDS/NDSL​

    I thinks its the orginal version, not a clone
  4. Fredbox

    Fredbox Well-Known Member

    Nope, that's definitely a clone. What made you think it wasn't?
    Anyway, you downloaded the firmware for the original R4, so it's not going to work on you R4 Upgrade. Did you go to the website you just posted? They should have the firmware for your card, why else would it be printed on your card?
  5. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    this, and what sd card are you using, i had this problem aswell with my r4 sdhc and 8 gig card. what i used to do is reformat my card, then make a game folder and copy all the games first, then copy the firmware. it worked for me, but got kind of annoying, because i had to do it everytime i wanted to add a new game. so i bought a 4gig card and it solved the problem. some cards even though they say they support sdhc cards, they dont support them well