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R4 SDHC Questions

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by eckoman11, May 12, 2010.

  1. eckoman11

    eckoman11 Member

    First, please don't flame me when I say I'm new here. I've done my best to research the topics on my own, but I'm still having some trouble understanding some things.

    Where to begin. I recently ordered an R4 SDHC card, although after discovering this website, I found out that it is most likely a clone. Sadly, I would have ordered the original had I known the R4 SDHC was a clone, but I don't know where to order one, and Console Source has great reviews, so I had no reason not to trust them at the time. Anyways, I want to have things prepared for when I get it in the mail. The primary reason I wanted to get a DS was for Pokemon, and after reading up on it, I found out it might not be as easy as I had hoped. Anyways, I patched my Soul Silver rom using Rudolph's patcher. Cool, one thing down. However, after reading up, I came across what is my biggest question... firmware. First of all, the website I bought my R4 SDHC unit from has no downloads for new firmware, so I need to figure out the appropriate thing to install. Here's the issue. I've heard nothing but great things about Wood R4, and decided to check it out. After looking through all of the features, it looked pretty solid, and the obvious choice for my new firmware.... except I don't know if it will play patched roms. The original R4 version is verified to play patched roms, however, the clone version has no information on whether that feature is or isn't included. Because of my uncertainty, I searched around some more, and I found YoshiFlip's kernel. It said it was for R4 SDHC clones, and allowed play of patched roms, but essentially took away compatibility with Wood R4. Well, I now am required to choose one. I like all of the features of Wood R4, but at the moment, am uncertain if it will be able to play patched roms like YoshiFlip's kernel. I just want someone to help me out here. Oh, and last. After downloading both of them to look at the programs, I can't seem to find any ROM folder anywhere. Am I supposed to create one, or is one created automatically when hooked up to the R4? And my last question (again), are these firmwares replacements for the original, or just upgrades?

    Once again, I'm sorry if it's a lot to read, I'm just new, and really want to get into the mix.

    R4 SDHC - http://www.consolesource.com/ecomm/catalog/R4DS-SDHC-NDS-Lite-Backup-Solution-p-2874.html
    Rudolph's Patcher - http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=34997.0
    Wood R4 - http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=39701.0
    YoshiFlip's Kernel - http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=39566
  2. Fredbox

    Fredbox Well-Known Member

    Ok, basically, Wood R4 was originally only for original R4s and didn't work on clones. However people worked out how to make it work semi reliably on some clones, the R4 SDHC being one of them. But there are multiple reports of the clone version of the firmware not working on SDHCs and multiple reports of it working.
    So basically, it might work.
    When it says it doesn't support patched roms, it means the developer of the firmware is not liable for any damage or corruption caused by your use of patched roms. But as long as the patch is reliable, it should run it fine. But the thing is, seeing as it's a recent firmware, you might not even need to patch your Pokemon rom. Pretty much all firmwares allow you to put roms anywhere you want on your MicroSD card.
    To be honest, with firmware it might be a question of trial and error. I'd say start out by putting the Wood R4 for clones on. Get it from here, this version doesn't remove any compatibility (I think, I don't actually have an R4 SDHC, only an R4). Then, wait until your cart arrives and try it. If it doesn't load, or it won't load any games, or games won't save, then I'd guess it's not working properly. If some games work, but Pokemon doesn't work, then try the patched rom. If nothing seems to work correctly, the second firmware to try would be the one made by the cart manufacturer. On the packaging, there should be a website where you can get the firmware. Try that second. If that doesn't work, then ask for more help.
    To answer your last question, the website on the packaging for your cart is the original firmware, and anything with a different name (such as Wood R4) is an alternative firmware.

    I think I answered everything there, if I missed anything, then just ask. Sometimes it can be helpful to divide your post up into individual questions to make it easier for people to help.
  3. eckoman11

    eckoman11 Member

    Alright, thanks for the help, and I see what you mean about it being easier when separated into multiple question so it would he easier to understand. I'll make sure to format it when I get to a computer (on my phone now). Anyways, your info helped a lot, but I still have some more I'd like to know.

    •Why would you recommend using the original firmware as a secondary instead of YoshiFlip's kernel?
    •Where do the roms go? I've seen folder for themes, cheats, etc, but no where to put roms.
    •Does Wood R4 and YoshiFlip's kernel replace the original firmware, or is the orginal firmware still on the card?
    •If I wanted to, where would be the cheapest place to get a legitamaite R4?
  4. Fredbox

    Fredbox Well-Known Member

    •I'm pretty sure YoshiFlip's one is a bit outdated now. So I'd use the one from the thread I linked to. I'd use "Wood R4 for clones" before the official firmware because Wood R4 is the smoothest, most up to date and most compatible firmware (if you can get it to work).
    •My bad, I forgot that the version of Wood R4 that's for clones goes alongside the official firmware. You put them both on your card, and then use the official firmware to boot the Wood R4 .nds file.
    •I'd say the best place to get a cheap R4 (might be an exact copy of the original R4, but it's impossible to guarantee a completely original R4 these days, and it'll run Wood R4 perfectly) is http://shoptemp.com . They have free worldwide shipping and good prices.

    I think that's everything, but don't hesitate to ask any more questions (unless it's "Can my R4 emulate GBA games!!!11?!1!?". If you ask that I WILL KILL YOU!!).
  5. eckoman11

    eckoman11 Member

    Can my R4 ru... just kidding.

    Anyways, thanks for the info. So far I think I've got most stuff down. I just want to know where you put your ROMs, and save files. Is there a specific folder necessary for that, or just root?
  6. Kaptan

    Kaptan Well-Known Member

    I personally would add a folder and be really original and call it games then put all the roms (and sav files you already have) in there. They can go straight onto root but it isn't as organised and can be a pain it you want to move your games onto your computer to reformat and the likes..
  7. eckoman11

    eckoman11 Member

    Alright cool. Any my last real question... theoretically, if I have a patched Pokemon game, I should be able to use Wifi services such as battling and trading with the R4 SDHC, right?
  8. Fredbox

    Fredbox Well-Known Member

    Yep, I'm pretty sure the wireless features are still fine after patching.
  9. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    To be honest, I'm making a new version, but it fails every time.

    I'm gonna re-download the patched kernel and make new files for it.
  10. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

  11. eckoman11

    eckoman11 Member

    Well, turns out the site sent a cart that looks completely different than the picture. It appears that it is actually the second generation cart from this site: http://www.r4i-sdhc.com/aboute.asp

    Anyways, I'm not sure if HGSS will still work, and I wanted to know what I'd have to do now to get everything up and running.
  12. Fredbox

    Fredbox Well-Known Member

    I think it's still worth trying Wood R4. Just follow the instructions in CoolKill3r's thread.
  13. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    The R4 SDHC Updgrade and R4i SDHC Updgrade both use the same firmware.

    If the Wood R4 doesn't work on my R4i SDHC Upgrade there is a high change it doesn't work on the R4 SDHC Upgrade also.

    But yes, it's worth trying :)

    I'm sure you will get "FAT Error" when loading.
  14. eckoman11

    eckoman11 Member

    Yeah, Wood R4 doesn't work. For clone, it just gives three inoperable folder icons, and the official Wood R4 actually boots the GUI, but gets a FAT Error when trying to open a ROM.
  15. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    So no Wood R4 for us xD
    You could try YSMenu...I'm not really sure if it works.
  16. eckoman11

    eckoman11 Member

    I think I've got everything down. I'm using the patched Pokemon ROM file, and so far, I have got all 16 badges, beat Red, and leveled my main six up to 68-70 without a single freeze. WiFi works as well. The only problem I've had is when trying to do a reset, but that's a very minor complaint.
  17. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    I will upload complete YSMenu for you.

    - Delete TTMenu folder
    - Extract archive on the ROOT OF YOUR CARD
    - Do a softreset to test.

    It will boot back to YSMenu.

    It is 1.17a12, with updated libs. Plays Sonic Classic Collection fine.

    Post Merge: [time]1275054171[/time]


    Also when you are using the new 1.22/21 firmware, it has great compatibility. When YSMenu doesn't work, use that.