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R4 SDHC Pokemon white not working

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by 03shebaz, Apr 23, 2011.

  1. 03shebaz

    03shebaz Member


    I've posted in the Ck3's thread and havent been able to solve my problem, I have a DS lite and an r4 sDHC with the following firmware on it:

    using the folder called "R4SDHC" only.

    I complete the intro where I choose my gender and name, but after that i get stuck on a black screen, i really have no idea what to do '_'

    Any help would be much appreciated ^_^
  2. yassine1

    yassine1 Well-Known Member

    You just forgot to patch your rom with the retrogamefan multipatcher ^^' (http://filetrip.net/f24193-RetroGameFan-MultiPatcher-1-19.html) it should fix the freezing problem, and the No$Exp AP.
    Of course use a clean untrimmed rom of Pkmn Black for the patch, the prepatched versions of the game on the web are bullshit. So good luck.
  3. kenny6457

    kenny6457 Well-Known Member

    or you could just buy it like me
  4. 03shebaz

    03shebaz Member

    yassine, you are a godsend, too tired to do it now though...

    Thanks for this! :D
    Post Merge: [time]1303629389[/time]
    alright, so I patched the clean rom by dragging it onto the patcher, it patches alright I press yes and then OK...

    But when I then put it into the r4 SDHC and try to play it, after choosing my name, i'm back to that black screen again :(

    I downloaded 2 clean roms, one from some random website and one from the link on CK3's thread...
  5. yassine1

    yassine1 Well-Known Member

    Just to check, did you use the .nds file, not the .bak one?(.nds is the patched one!)
    Have you formatted your SD card ( after doing a backup of your r4 sdhc sys files) then re-installed the retrogamefan, R4 files and the patched rom? (.nds!)
    If it stills doesn't work after this we'll try something else.

    http://www.megaupload.com/?d=HWE18SQ0 it's a sav of pokemon white (Patched One that I did myself), at the very beginning.(there's also pokesav to rename your hero ^^'). Rename the .sav file the same way your rom is, and see if it doesn't stuck at another part of the game.

    In case it doesn't work either then ...:
    Check the lastest firmware of your r4sdhc, use a patched rom (patch ), directly boot it from the r4sdhc menu, without TTmenu, and see if it doesn't freeze.

    Still not working? (U___u shit i'm tired XD):
    Use Wood R4 on your sdhc and see if it can make it work( pliz use the search bar I don't remember where i saw the thread, but i'm sure there is one on romulation ^^')

    By the way if nothing of this works would you try it onto Pokemon black for me please?
    It might work, I got freezing problems on white even if i did everything correctly and i'm sure about what i say, but with black it just directly worked with TTMenu+retrogamefan patch.

    what can i say :( good luck
  6. 03shebaz

    03shebaz Member

    Thank you very much, first thing i'll try, is a clean black rom, and then if that doesnt work, i'll go through the steps above, will let you know how it goes tommorow!

    Post Merge: [time]1303675491[/time]
    I've tried the sav file, after loading, I get stuck on that black screen :/ guess i'll try black rom :)
  7. 03shebaz

    03shebaz Member

    reformatted sd card and tried again..didn't work :/ black rom doesnt work,i'll try without TTmenu now. Why are you so stubborn R4?! D:
    Post Merge: [time]1303765625[/time]
    without TTmenu it doesnt even load the start menu, straight onto a blank white screen :/

    guess i'll give up and wait for new firmware
    Post Merge: [time]1303766093[/time]
    I get a feeling I'm forgetting something blatently obvious...