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R4 SDHC dual core 2014 and moonshell problem

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by AMIDAEWOR, Jun 18, 2014.


    AMIDAEWOR New Member

    Hi ive tried to find a solution to this all over the 7 kingdoms, i have an r4 sdhc dual core 2014 card from r4isdhc.com.cn i can get the firmware (wood 1.62) working no problem but whenever i try to add moonshell it ruins my daughters life, i had the music working at one point but it didnt last long so i reformatted it and started again with no joy ive downloaded moonshell from everyone and his mother but none seem to work all i want is 4 or 5 games and a couple albums on there and it seems impossible right now i would much appreciate some help before i smash it to pieces 😓
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    Spam site?? I guess i cant post links sorry r4isdhc .com.cn
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    What no help at all? Maybe i need to be more specific, i move the moonshell2 folder to the root
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    Of my sd cardalong with the moonshell.nds file, when i try to launch moonshell it says things like failed, cluster size is too small reformat with larger cluster size, launch with moonshell direct boot (which i did and it just resulted in the failed error. I just need someone who has the same hardware as me and has managed to get it all working or at least someone who knows the best media player i should use for my cart. Any help would be much appreciated and any more information required would be promptly provided thanks
  2. andrew11214

    andrew11214 Member

    2014 r4i sdhc dual core flashcart not use the wood 1.62 , they use the kernel V3.4b , i hope you mean 2014 r4i sdhc dual core flashcart , not r4i gold 3ds flashcart
  3. deviousgsr12

    deviousgsr12 Member

    yeah, just andrew said, check your r4i sdhc card first to see what card it exactly is. R4i gold 3ds use wood V1.64 or r4i sdhc dual core 2014 use V3.4b. Actually the 2014 r4i sdhc dual core card should be this one.

  4. Linda1121

    Linda1121 Member

    Yes, the kernel maybe the problem. Please use correct kernel and test r4i sdhc dual core again.
    I ever tested moonshell feature to read book with r4i gold 3ds rts, but failed, not sure which step is wrong.

    AMIDAEWOR New Member

    I dont know how to post pictures but mine is slightly different it reads:

    R4 (2014)
    3DS DSi
    Www. R4isdhc .com.cn
    Smart update

    I have tried the kernal your speaking of but it did not work the only one that works is the kernal on the site i mentioned?? Thanks for the reply
  6. Linda1121

    Linda1121 Member

    I have a r4 sdhc dual core, it is similar with yours, according to r4 official site, my card is fake.

    AMIDAEWOR New Member

    Yes mine is almost identical to that one except the website, so im guessing mine is fake too? It does run perfectly btw when i only load it with the kernal and games i just cant seem to get moonshell workin reliably if at all
  8. andrew11214

    andrew11214 Member

    maybe you just download the wrong kernel , you can check whethere your card is a fake card or not and download the correct kernel from this site : Www.usar4. com write this URL into the address bar
  9. deviousgsr12

    deviousgsr12 Member

    I can use my r4i gold 3ds to read books, so can you tell me which step you meet the problems, maybe i can help you.
    Post Merge: [time]1403230001[/time]

    Oh, sorry if your card is the same to the Linda post, then maybe it is the fake card. Just in case , try to download the r4i sdhc dual core 2014 firmware v3.4b from the offical site again. or you can just go to r4depot from where i get my r4i sdhc dual core card, they also have the download link, by using it, my card works perfect. If still no working, maybe you have to order a new card, this time, be sure choose a reliable site to purchase a genuine card. Wish you good luck.

    AMIDAEWOR New Member

    My problem came when trying to launch moonshell in the wood menu, like i said ive tried all the kernals in the world but the only one that works is the one i get from the site on the actual card i think its most probably fake/clone or whatever which is annoying as it cost me £30 but anyway....

    .... Managed to get moonshell working by downloading moonshell 1.7 for r4 its a bit dated and doesnt have many options but everything is working for now. Thanks for everyones reply 😋
  11. Linda1121

    Linda1121 Member

    Thank you. I test r4i gold 3ds on DSi, put kernel, all moonshell files and a TXT file in the root of the TF card. Just like the photo.
    Click Moonshell, then click the TXT file, it keeps "Detecting return code...", the TEX file does not show.
  12. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    Weird error your getting.
    It shouldn't really matter whether you have a fake card or not. Moonshell should run either way.

    But as everyone's suggested, make sure you are downloading the right firmware for your card.
    Are you sure you're using the latest version of Moonshell? Make sure it is 2.10 (Stable).
  13. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Why do you want Moonshell for? Somehow it seems to me you intend to listen to music (mp3) or read e-books (txt, epub, etc.).

    Alternatively you can download DSLibris for reading e-books : http://sourceforge.net/projects/ndslibris/
    or Ikureader for reading e-books : http://code.google.com/p/ikureader/downloads/list
    While for playing MP3 music files you can download (choose the precompile 1.0.2) : http://www.cecm.usp.br/~lucas/lmp-ng

    In either case, just create a folder named "Music" or "MP3" or whatever name you prefer for your collection, while the e-books could be "ebooks" for example to keep them organized.

    Somehow in the case of trying to install moonshell, your cartridge probably couldn't handle it due to it being a clone. But do try doing it through this method instead:
    1. Download (click on MANUAL DOWNLOAD when prompted) : http://filetrip.net/nds-downloads/utilities/download-cicada-installer-for-moonshell2-and-firmwares-1-6-4-3-f21935.html
    2. Read method : http://gbatemp.net/threads/cicada-firmwares-and-moonshell-installer-utility.260162/

    Maybe it might help. Otherwise just use those homebrew I linked earlier. Good luck.
  14. Linda1121

    Linda1121 Member

    Thank you. I will try it later.