Hey guys, so i was playing the english patch of JUMP ultimate stars, when my r4 froze. It's happened before but in the little over a year i've had it it's only happened like 3 times. But as you might have guessed this time around, i got this error. So anyway, i downloaded Wood R4 cuz i assummed my menu got corrupted by the freeze, formatted the entire card (don't need anything on it) and put Wood R4 in with no games. Still got the error. Then i formatted a different microSD and did the same thing, again, the error. FINALLY i heard that SD formatter 2.0 from panasonic would help, so i did that as well, and it STILL did not work. Also, i got both micro SD cards with my family's legit motorolla phones, so i'm hoping they're real, and they work just fine on my comp. Help? thanks in advance