I've had an R4 for while and all my games are saved in its format. I just got a Acekard 2i and i put AKAIO 1.6 RC1 on it. I know that the formats for the two things are the same, but when i try to play a game with a sav on it then it just creates a new one. DX If anyone can help i'd appreciate it
Make sure you check the AKAIO save file extension settings. It's under the Advanced settings. AKAIO uses either nds.sav or .sav, and apparently 1.6 also requires the .sav to be lower case, not upper case (won't use .SAV)
oh lol now i feel stupid ;D D= nvr mind (i still feel stupid, but for a diff reason) I cant figure out how to rename it correctly. (i feel like super noob right now but thank you for your patience) WAIT AGAIN! I checked the format the new save file it created and it was .SAV not .sav grrrr
Right click the file, select rename. Change the .SAV to .sav. (Dont worry, these thing confuse the hell out of me too...)
Re: R4 Saves don\'t work on my Acekard 2i read above also the format doesnt show but thats a problem that can be solved easy, right? Post Merge: [time]1270862411[/time] I think you can close this I fixed it myself =D
How do You Solve it? Damn I got a Jump Ultimate Stars.sav File, I name it with .sav but it creates a new :|