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R4 + Moonshell crash

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by kankerzooi, May 31, 2010.

  1. kankerzooi

    kankerzooi Well-Known Member

    Okay hello,

    before I begin I'm a female, as you may know, and i'm not into techy things and links to certain websites that discribe how to do stuff in english words and an english difficulty I do not posses.

    Right what has happened:

    I am using YSmenu, a combination of Moonshell ( for my music ) and for playing my games.

    For some reason when I try to load a game OR and Mp3 file ( moonshell ) it is stuck on LOADING. It has been annoying me lately, that I decided to throw it off and go back to the original Moonshell. But then still I need DS_MENU.dat and for some reason that seems to bug me. It took me 3 hours to follow the guide of YSmenu to make it work.

    I do not feel like doing this again, and I read somewhere there is a new WOOD ( wood? rofl ) thingie firmware for R4?

    I'm confused and need your help to get me out of this mess. I would like to play games again and play my favorite music on bustrips ( 2 hours without music each day sucks )

    /cuddles and /love

  2. electromakumba

    electromakumba Well-Known Member

    Well then, just make me a sandwich.

    Which flashcart do you use? From what you said you changed the DS_MENU.dat file.. Does games loaded in "normal" way (w/out YSMenu) work?
  3. Fredbox

    Fredbox Well-Known Member

    Of, first of all, we need to find out what type of R4 you have. What does it say on the label?
  4. kankerzooi

    kankerzooi Well-Known Member

    err R4DS I assume >< it's the cheapest one with a small card!
  5. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    What he means is, is it an original R4DS or a clone?
  6. manjithxxx

    manjithxxx Well-Known Member


    Does it look like this?I mean, not the color but what is written on it.
  7. Fredbox

    Fredbox Well-Known Member

    Yeah, we need to know this so we can tell what firmware you should use.
  8. kankerzooi

    kankerzooi Well-Known Member

    Yes that is the one! Sorry for the late reply I was kinda... in the bar :)

  9. unqiueninja

    unqiueninja Well-Known Member


    Download the Wood firmware Version 1.08 for the original R4DS
  10. kankerzooi

    kankerzooi Well-Known Member

    I just installed it. I'm kinda confused but I putted everything in the root folder. I like... picked out all the UI / Cheats etc maps and put it on my DS + the MENU.dat thingie. Now I can see it's empty but I see a SLOT 2 thingie which is obviously my GBA thing. Can I play GBA games with this or should I order a 3in1 thing?

    If yes how? And I assume I put games and music on it now? Do I still need MOONSHELL ( in other words, do I have to put moonshell in the root aswell? )

    So many questions I know

    Post Merge: [time]1275520118[/time]
    Sorry for double post, but I cannot see the name I gave to the folder, background is totally black
  11. Fredbox

    Fredbox Well-Known Member

    The ui and cheats folder, they should stay in the _rpg folder, along with everything else in the _rpg folder. The _rpg folder should be on the root of your card.
    The slot-2 thing is to boot whatever is in your slot-2. To play GBA games you need to buy a slot-2 flashcart (eg the EZ 3in1).
    To play music you need moonshell. But if you don't want to play music or watch videos, then you don't need to bother with moonshell. If you want moonshell, get this one and follow the instructions with it. As for the background problem, I think that's because you mis-placed the ui folder.